首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura >Efeito do substrato na emergência, crescimento e comportamento estomático em plantulas de mangabeira

Efeito do substrato na emergência, crescimento e comportamento estomático em plantulas de mangabeira




This study was carried out in greenhouse aiming to evaluate the germination, initial growth and water relations in mangaba seedlings. The experimental design was a completely randomized with fifty replicates and three substrates: autoclaved sand, local soil of the plants native region and a mixed of humus, sand and vegetal soil (2:4:4, v/v/v). The following variables were studied: germination and emergence velocity (IVG) rates, seedling height, number of leaves, leaf temperature (LT), transpiration (E) and diffusive resistance (Rs). Also some climate variables were measured: air temperature (Tar), relative humidity (UR) and photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). The larger values of germination and IVG were observed in autoclaved sand substrate. Both plant height and number of leaves hadn't been influenced by substrates. There were significant differences among treatments in relation to E and Rs. Leaves of seedlings cultivated in native soil have transpired more than mixed substrate (9.59 and 2.59 mmol.m-2.s-1, respectively). Leaves cultivated in autoclaved sand showed intermediate value (4.63 mmol.m-2.s-1). There were variations on Rs of leaves for sand substrate and for native soil substrate (2.2 and 0.9 s.cm-1, respectively). Inverse and significant effect for correlations among LT and E was verified. Positive effect was observed among LT and Rs. Effects of E x Rs were inverse and significant for all treatments. LT, E and Rs, as well as seedling height and number of leaves were not influenced by Tar, UR and PAR.
机译:这项研究是在温室中进行的,旨在评估曼加巴幼苗的发芽,初始生长和水分关系。实验设计是完全随机的,具有五十个重复样本和三个底物:高压灭菌的沙子,植物原生区域的局部土壤以及腐殖质,沙子和植物土壤的混合物(2:4:4,v / v / v)。研究了以下变量:发芽和出苗速度(IVG)速率,幼苗高度,叶片数,叶片温度(LT),蒸腾作用(E)和扩散阻力(Rs)。还测量了一些气候变量:空气温度(Tar),相对湿度(UR)和光合有效辐射(PAR)。在高压灭菌的沙子基质中观察到较大的发芽和IVG值。株高和叶片数均不受基质的影响。 E和Rs的治疗之间存在显着差异。在天然土壤中耕种的幼苗叶片的蒸腾作用大于混合基质(分别为9.59和2.59 mmol.m-2.s-1)。在高压灭菌的沙子中耕种的叶片显示出中间值(4.63 mmol.m-2.s-1)。沙质基质和天然土壤基质的叶片Rs均存在差异(分别为2.2和0.9 s.cm-1)。验证了LT和E之间相关性的反作用和显着作用。在LT和Rs之间观察到积极作用。对于所有治疗,E x Rs的影响都是相反的,并且是显着的。 LT,E和Rs以及幼苗的高度和叶片数不受Tar,UR和PAR的影响。



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