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Gas exchanges in peach palms as a function of the spad chlorophyll meter readings




The close relationship between the chlorophyll-meters readings and the total chlorophyll and nitrogen contents in leaves, has allowed their evaluation both in annual and perennial species. Besides, some physiological events such as the CO2 assimilation have also been estimated by chlorophyll meters. This work was carried out aiming to evaluate the gas exchanges of peach palms as a function of the chlorophyll SPAD-Meter readings. Three year-old peach palms from Yurimaguas, Peru were studied in Ubatuba, SP, Brazil, spaced 2 x 1 m in area under a natural gradient of organic matter which allowed four plots to be considered, according to the peach palms leaves colors, from light yellow to dark green. The SPAD readings and the stomatal frequency of leaflets were evaluated. The photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD, μmol m-2 s-1), the leaf temperature (Tleaf, oC), the CO2 assimilation (A, μmol m-2 s-1), the stomatal conductance (gs, mol m-2 s-1), the transpiration (E, mmol m-2 s-1) and the intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci, μmol mol-1) were evaluated with a portable infrared gas analyzer (LCA-4, ADC BioScientific Ltd., Great Amwell, U.K.). A linear increase in the CO2 assimilation as a function of the SPAD readings (y = -0.34 + 0.19x, R2 = 0.99), indicates that they can be a rapid and cheap complementary method to evaluate in peach palms some important physiological events, such as CO2 assimilation.
机译:叶绿素仪读数与叶片中总叶绿素和氮含量之间的密切关系使得可以在一年生和多年生物种中对其进行评估。此外,叶绿素仪还估计了一些生理事件,例如CO2同化。进行这项工作的目的是评估桃叶的气体交换与叶绿素SPAD-Meter读数的关系。在巴西SP的乌巴图巴研究了来自秘鲁Yurimaguas的三年前的桃树,在自然有机物梯度下,其面积为2 x 1 m,根据桃树的叶子颜色,可以考虑四个样地。浅黄色至深绿色。评价SPAD读数和小叶的气孔频率。光合光子通量密度(PPFD,μmolm-2 s-1),叶片温度(Tleaf,oC),CO2同化(A,μmolm-2 s-1),气孔导度(gs,mol m- 2 s-1),蒸腾(E,mmol m-2 s-1)和细胞间CO2浓度(Ci,μmolmol-1)用便携式红外气体分析仪(LCA-4,ADC BioScientific Ltd.英国大安维尔)。 CO2同化程度随SPAD读数呈线性增加(y = -0.34 + 0.19x,R2 = 0.99),表明它们可以作为一种快速而便宜的补充方法来评估桃树中的一些重要生理事件,例如作为二氧化碳吸收。



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