首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia >Demographic, health conditions, and lifestyle factors associated with urinary incontinence in elderly from Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Demographic, health conditions, and lifestyle factors associated with urinary incontinence in elderly from Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil




OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and factors associated with urinary incontinence in the elderly population of Florianópolis, in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. METHODS: We used data from EpiFloripa Idoso 2009/2010 survey, a cross-sectional population-based study including 1,705 elderly of both the sexes. Poisson's regression (crude and adjusted analysis) was applied to verify the association between the urinary incontinence outcome and exploratory variables (sociodemographic, lifestyle, and health conditions). RESULTS: Among the elderly, 29.4% reported urinary incontinence; 36.3% were women and 17.0% men. The factors associated with greater prevalence of urinary incontinence were being female, aged more than 70 years old, having 0 to 4 schooling years, being insufficiently active, having bronchitis or asthma, stroke or cerebral ischemia, presenting mild or moderate/severe dependence, and polypharmacy. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of urinary incontinence was high among the investigated elderly. Sociodemographic variables and those related to lifestyle and health conditions were associated with higher prevalence of urinary incontinence. Knowledge of the factors associated with urinary incontinence in aged individuals can guide actions to reduce and prevent this important issue, which affects the elderly.
机译:目的:确定巴西圣卡塔琳娜州弗洛里亚诺波利斯老年人口的尿失禁患病率和相关因素。方法:我们使用了EpiFloripa Idoso 2009/2010调查的数据,该调查是一项基于人群的横断面研究,其中包括1,705名男女老人。应用泊松回归(粗略和调整后的分析)来验证尿失禁结局与探索性变量(社会电描记法,生活方式和健康状况)之间的关联。结果:在老年人中,有29.4%的人报告尿失禁。妇女占36.3%,男子占17.0%。与尿失禁患病率较高相关的因素是女性,年龄在70岁以上,0至4个学年,活动不足,患有支气管炎或哮喘,中风或脑缺血,表现出轻度或中度/严重依赖性,以及多元药房。结论:被调查的老年人中尿失禁的患病率较高。社会人口统计学变量以及与生活方式和健康状况有关的变量与尿失禁的患病率较高相关。了解与老年人尿失禁相关的因素可以指导减少和预防影响老年人的重要问题的行动。



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