首页> 外文期刊>Revista brasileira de botanica >Produ??o de frutos e distribui??o espacial de angiospermas com frutos zoocóricos em uma Floresta Ombrófila Mista no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Produ??o de frutos e distribui??o espacial de angiospermas com frutos zoocóricos em uma Floresta Ombrófila Mista no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil




We investigated, during 14 months, patterns of fruit production of animal dispersed angiosperms in a patch of Mixed Ombrophilous Forest (MOF) in the National Park of Aparados da Serra, State of Rio Grande do Sul, south Brazil. For a total of 570 individuals sampled in a 2.56 ha area we identified 27 species of animal dispersed angiosperms (13 families). The most abundant families were: Myrtaceae (eight species), Melastomataceae, Solanaceae, and Rubiaceae (three species each). Most sampled life forms were shrubs (46.0% of all individuals 37.0% of species total), followed by treelets (31.9% and 22.2%), herbs (10.2% and 18.5%), trees (8.7% and 18.5%), and epiphytes (3.2% and 3.7%). Red (22.2%) and orange (18.5%) fruits prevailed, as well as small fruits (70% of fruit total with size of 1-10 mm × 1-10 mm), and fruits with one to ten small seeds (96% of total species with seed size of 1-10 mm × 1-10 mm). The three species that produced the greatest amount of fruits were: Myrceugenia miersiana (Gardner) D. Legrand & Kausel (Myrtaceae) (tree - 61.0% of total production of fruits), and the melastomes Leandra variabilis Cogn. (shrub - 18.1%) and Miconia cinerascens Miq. (shrub - 8.6%). These species showed an aggregated dispersion pattern (Standardized Morisita index > 0.5 for all of them). The monthly number of fruiting species was significantly correlated with monthly temperature in the same month (rs = 0,70; p < 0,01), and with rainfall in the previous month (rs = 0,67; p < 0,02). The seed production of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze occurred during the period with the lowest number of angiosperm species producing animal-dispersed fruits. This non-overlapping between events might favor the occurrence of frugivorous animals, enabling a higher resource offer during the entire year.
机译:在14个月内,我们调查了巴西南部南里奥格兰德州阿帕拉多斯·达塞拉国家公园一片混交林(MOF)中动物分散被子植物的果实生产模式。在2.56公顷的区域中,总共对570个个体进行了采样,我们确定了27种动物分散的被子植物(13个科)。最丰富的科是:桃金娘科(八种),美兰科,茄科和茜草科(每种三种)。采样的大多数生命形式是灌木(占个体总数的46.0%,占物种总数的37.0%),其次是小树(占31.9%和22.2%),草药(占10.2%和18.5%)。 ,树木(8.7 %和18.5 %)和附生植物(3.2 %和3.7 %)。以红色(22.2%)和橙色(18.5%)水果为主,还有小型水果(占水果总数的70%,尺寸为1-10 mm×1-10 mm),以及其中一个到1个水果。十个小种子(种子大小为1-10 mm×1-10 mm的物种总数的96%)。产生最多果实的三个物种是:Myrceugenia miersiana(Gardner)D. Legrand&Kausel(Myrtaceae)(树-占果实总产量的61.0%),以及有弹性的Leandra variabilis Cogn。 (灌木丛-18.1%)和Miconia cinerascens Miq。 (灌木丛-8.6 %)。这些物种表现出聚集的分散模式(所有物种的标准化森立塔指数> 0.5)。结果种的月数与同月的月温度(rs = 0,70; p <0,01)和上月的降雨量(rs = 0,67; p <0,02)显着相关。 。该时期Auntucaria angustifolia(Bertol。)Kuntze的种子生产发生在被子植物物种数量最少,产生动物分散果实的时期。事件之间的这种不重叠可能有利于食肉动物的出现,从而使全年的资源供应更高。



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