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Retina Today - Progress in ROP Management Through Tele-ophthalmology (November/December 2010)

机译:当今的视网膜-通过远程眼科进行ROP管理的进展(2010年11月/ 12月)



Approximately 16,000 premature infants are affected by retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in the United States every year.1 Screening guidelines for ROP in the United States stipulate that ROP screening be performed by experienced ophthalmologists using binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (BIO).2 In middle income and emerging economies, such as India or Latin America, where the majority of the reported 50,000 children who are blind from ROP worldwide reside, screening guidelines for ROP must be more broad, Anand Vinekar, MD, FRCS, of Narayana Nethralaya Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology in Bangalore, India, said at the American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in Chicago.3,4 Ideally, all babies in India with a birth weight less than 2,000 g should be screened by an ROP-trained ophthalmologist within the first 4 weeks of life, with subsequent screenings determined by the initial findings. 5 Unfortunately, applying this ideal model is extremely difficult in a country with few ROP-trained ophthalmologists, limited resources, and a plethora of underserved areas, Dr. Vinekar said. a??In India, we have 1.2 billion people and 400 retinal surgeons. Fewer than 15 of these surgeons practice comprehensive ROP care,a?? Dr. Vinekar said in his presentation. a??We have 27 million live births per year. Around 2 million of these are born weighing less than 2,000 g and are at risk of ROP. This means that one in two babies (47%) will develop some ROP and about 15% to 20% of them will require treatment. In fact, every 2 hours, somewhere in India, three babies require treatment.a?? Possible reasons for the dramatic difference between rates of ROP in low-income countries compared with the United States and other developed countries include higher birth rates and higher rates of premature births; insufficient resources for neonatal care, which leads to higher rates of severe ROP in premature and mature infants; and a shortage of screening and treatment programs due to lack of awareness, lack of skilled personnel, and financial constraints.5 TELE-OPHTHALMOLOGY FOR ROP SCREENINGThe challenge, Dr. Vinekar said, is harnessing limited resources to reach rural areas and villages where infants do not receive the timely treatment necessary to prevent irreversible blindness. To address this challenge, Dr. Vinekar and colleagues developed a tele- ROP program called KIDROP (Karnataka Internet- Assisted Diagnosis of Retinopathy of Prematurity) in 2007. Specially trained technicians, who do not have a background in ophthalmology, use the portable RetCam Shuttle (Clarity Medical, Pleasanton, CA) to take widefield digital fundus images of infants currently in 24 neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in several districts of Karnataka in a fixed-day, fixed-center program. Often, the centers are filled with mothers who travel 50 to 100 kilometers with their infants to be imaged by Dr. Vinekara??s team. The program has now been approved as the countrya??s first public-private partnership for infant blindness management, and it is anticipated to expand to 36 more NICUs over 12 more districts of the state and eventually other parts of the country, Dr. Vinekar said. PORTABLE IMAGINGThe RetCam is a fully integrated widefield digital imaging system capable of capturing ophthalmic images from premature infants and children (Figure 1). The Shuttle version is easily transportable between hospitals and clinics. The digital images can be transferred to any networked system for timely transmission of patient images to experts, who can then view and evaluate them remotely (Figure 2). Studies have demonstrated that the RetCam can detect all cases of ROP in which treatment is a necessity.6 Additionally, digital imaging with the RetCam requires significantly less time compared with BIO examination.7 To identify infants at risk of ROP, the technicians capture, process, and store the images. They ha
机译:在美国,每年约有16,000名早产儿受到ROP病的影响。1美国ROP筛查指南规定,ROP筛查必须由经验丰富的眼科医生使用双眼间接检眼镜(BIO)进行。2中等收入Narayana Nethralaya眼科研究生院的Anand Vinekar博士,医学博士和FRCS的新兴全球经济体,例如印度或拉丁美洲等,据报道全世界50,000名ROP失明儿童中的大多数居住在印度或拉丁美洲,印度班加罗尔市的美国眼科医师在芝加哥举行的美国眼科学会年会上说,3,4理想情况下,印度所有出生体重小于2,000 g的婴儿都应在出生后的前4周内接受ROP培训的眼科医生进行筛查。 ,随后的筛查由最初的发现决定。 5不幸的是,在一个没有经过ROP培训的眼科医生,资源有限以及服务不足的地区过多的国家,应用这种理想模型非常困难。在印度,我们有12亿人口和400位视网膜外科医生。这些外科医师中不到15名进行全面的ROP护理, Vinekar博士在演讲中说。答:我们每年有2700万活产婴儿。其中约有200万人出生时体重不足2,000 g,并且有ROP危险。这意味着,每两个婴儿中就有一个(47%)会出现一些ROP,其中约15%至20%的婴儿需要治疗。实际上,在印度某处,每2个小时就有3个婴儿需要治疗。与美国和其他发达国家相比,低收入国家的ROP率之间存在巨大差异的可能原因包括较高的出生率和较高的早产率;新生儿护理资源不足,导致早产和成熟婴儿的严重ROP发生率较高; Vinekar博士说,这一挑战正在利用有限的资源来运送婴儿在农村地区和乡村,这是挑战,因为缺乏认识,缺乏熟练的技术人员以及经济拮据。5没有得到必要的及时治疗,以防止不可逆转的失明。为了应对这一挑战,Vinekar博士及其同事在2007年开发了一个远程ROP程序,称为KIDROP(卡纳塔克邦互联网辅助的早产儿视网膜病变诊断)。没有眼科背景的受过专门培训的技术人员,使用便携式RetCam Shuttle (加利福尼亚州普莱森顿的Clarity Medical公司)以固定日固定中心计划为卡纳塔克邦多个地区的24个新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)当前的婴儿拍摄广角数字眼底图像。通常,这些中心到处都是母亲,这些母亲带着婴儿旅行50到100公里,由Vinekara博士的团队拍摄。 Vinekar博士现已批准该计划为美国在婴儿失明管理方面的第一个公私合作伙伴关系,预计该计划将在该州的12个地区以及该国其他地区扩大到36个重症监护病房。说过。便携式成像RetCam是一个完全集成的广域数字成像系统,能够捕获早产儿和儿童的眼科图像(图1)。 Shuttle版本可在医院和诊所之间轻松运输。可以将数字图像传输到任何联网系统,以将患者图像及时传输给专家,然后专家可以对其进行远程查看和评估(图2)。研究表明,RetCam可以检测到所有需要治疗的ROP病例。6此外,与BIO检查相比,使用RetCam进行数字成像所需的时间要少得多。7为了确定有ROP风险的婴儿,技术人员应进行捕获,处理,并存储图像。他们哈



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