首页> 外文期刊>Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia >Homenagem a August Karl Gustav Bier por ocasi?o dos 100 anos da anestesia regional intravenosa e dos 110 anos da raquianestesia

Homenagem a August Karl Gustav Bier por ocasi?o dos 100 anos da anestesia regional intravenosa e dos 110 anos da raquianestesia




BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: August Karl Gustav Bier introduced two important techniques in regional block: intravenous regional block and subarachnoid block, widely used nowadays. Since the first one celebrates its 100th anniversary and the second its 110th anniversary, it is only fair that we pay homage to this extraordinary physician who created them. CONTENTS: This report describes his family, school, academic course, and medical residency data, professional and university activities, personality, retirement, and death of A. K. G. Bier. It describes his countless contributions to Medicine and to Anesthesiology in particular. It discusses his research on intravenous regional block, many of them still valid nowadays or not completely explained. It mentions his initial studies and the controversies on his role in the creation of spinal block. It tells the experiences he had in both World Wars. It also mentions the great contributions of Bier to culture, sports, physical education and, especially, to ecology when he created the famous Sauen Forest. Finally, the well deserved honors he received in his home country and in other countries are mentioned. CONCLUSIONS: A. K. G. Bier created and introduced two notable and still current methods of regional blocks in Anesthesiology and was a great defender of the preservation of the environment. Therefore, since this year we celebrate the 100th anniversary of intravenous regional block, his biography deserves to be told as a tribute to this important German physician.
机译:背景与目的:8月,Karl Gustav Bier介绍了两种重要的区域阻滞技术:静脉区域阻滞和蛛网膜下腔阻滞,目前已广泛使用。由于第一个庆祝成立100周年,第二个庆祝其成立110周年,所以我们向这位创造出众的杰出医师致敬是很公平的。目录:此报告描述了他的家庭,学校,学术课程和医疗居住数据,专业和大学活动,性格,退休以及A. K. G. Bier的死亡。它描述了他对医学尤其是对麻醉学的无数贡献。它讨论了他对静脉区域阻滞的研究,其中许多至今仍然有效或尚未完全解释。它提到了他的初步研究以及关于他在制造脊柱传导阻滞中的作用的争议。它讲述了他在两次世界大战中的经历。它还提到了比尔在创建著名的索恩森林时对文化,体育,体育,尤其是生态学的巨大贡献。最后,提到了他在自己的祖国和其他国家应得的荣誉。结论:A. K. G. Bier在麻醉学领域创造并介绍了两种著名的并且仍然是最新的区域阻滞方法,并且是环境保护的重要捍卫者。因此,自今年我们庆祝静脉区域阻滞100周年以来,他的传记值得向这位重要的德国医师致敬。



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