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Keeping it credible in cohort multiple Randomised Controlled Trials: the Community Ageing Research 75+ (CARE 75+) study model of patient and public involvement and engagement

机译:在队列的多个随机对照试验中保持可信度:患者和公众参与与参与的社区老龄化研究75+(CARE 75+)研究模型



Plain English summaryThere are well documented benefits to involving patients and the public in research. However, there is little research published about their involvement in large complex studies such as cohort multiple Randomised Controlled Trials (cmRCTs). The cmRCT method establishes a group of participants, with a common characteristic (e.g. older people) who will be followed over a number of years. Other (sub) studies can also recruit from this pool of people. This method offers researchers many advantages, including being able to recruit from more hard to reach groups. However, cmRCTs also have features which can make it more complicated to involve patients and the public. For example more than one study may take place at the same time; studies may be spread out over a large geographical area and they may include a wide range of topics. In spite of these difficulties we have developed a way of working with patients, the public and researchers that provides stability over time but allows flexibility along the way. Our model of working has saved us time and money; helped us to recruit more widely, and enabled us to focus our research in areas that are important to older people with frailty. Background There is increasing guidance on how to make the most of the rich seam of data provided by large cohort studies, and growing recognition of the benefits of cohort multiple Randomised Controlled Trials (cmRCT) in health research. In contrast, there is a lack of discussion about patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) in these large and complex research infrastructures. Our aim was to create a structure to enable meaningful, sustainable public involvement within the cmRCT framework. We have established a core reference group of four key individuals with extensive links to other relevant local community structures and individuals. Results Using the CARE 75+ model we have engaged with a wide variety of patients and the public in a relatively short space of time. Activities have included scrutiny of protocols and assessment tools, and process evaluations; resulting in system efficiencies, increased recruitment and a more focused research agenda. Conclusions There is a need for strong public oversight and flexible models of PPIE in cmRCTs. The model of PPIE developed in the Community Ageing Research 75+ study presents one potential way to foster expertise and enable diversity.
机译:简洁的英语摘要使患者和公众参与研究有很多有据可查的好处。但是,关于它们参与大型复杂研究(例如队列多项随机对照试验(cmRCT))的研究很少发表。 cmRCT方法建立了一组具有共同特征的参与者(例如,老年人),这些参与者将被追踪多年。其他(子)研究也可以从这群人中招募。这种方法为研究人员提供了许多优势,包括能够从难以接触的群体中招募人员。但是,cmRCT还具有使患者和公众参与更为复杂的功能。例如,可能同时进行一项以上的研究;研究可能分布在较大的地理区域,并且可能包含广泛的主题。尽管存在这些困难,我们仍开发了一种与患者,公众和研究人员合作的方法,该方法可以随着时间的推移提供稳定性,但在整个过程中都具有灵活性。我们的工作模式为我们节省了时间和金钱。帮助我们扩大了招募范围,使我们能够将研究重点放在对年老体弱的人重要的领域。背景技术关于如何充分利用大型队列研究提供的丰富数据的方法,越来越多的指导,以及对队列研究的多项随机对照试验(cmRCT)在健康研究中的益处的认识日益提高。相反,在这些庞大而复杂的研究基础架构中,缺乏关于患者和公众参与与参与(PPIE)的讨论。我们的目标是创建一个结构,以使cmRCT框架内有意义,可持续的公众参与。我们已经建立了一个由四个关键人物组成的核心参考小组,这些参考人物与其他相关的当地社区结构和人物有着广泛的联系。结果使用CARE 75+模型,我们在较短的时间内就与众多患者和公众进行了接触。活动包括审查方案和评估工具以及过程评估;从而提高了系统效率,增加了征聘人数,并使研究议程更具针对性。结论cmRCT中需要强有力的公众监督和PPIE的灵活模型。在社区老龄化研究75+研究中开发的PPIE模型提出了一种培养专业知识和实现多样性的潜在方法。



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