首页> 外文期刊>Research journal of environmental and earth sciences >Preponderance of Bisphenol-A in Harvested Rain Water in Enugu Municipality, South East, Nigeria

Preponderance of Bisphenol-A in Harvested Rain Water in Enugu Municipality, South East, Nigeria




Bisphenol-A (BPA), a plasticizer, used in the manufacture of plastics and a well-known endocrine disruptor has been known to lead to various health hazards. The present study is aimed at estimating the BPA content of harvested rainwater in Enugu municipality, Nigeria, hence its preponderance. BPA levels w ere estimated in harvested rainw ater samples stored in plastic storage drums (n=24) and metal tanks (n=48). All the 48 storage devices were in constant use for over 6 months and were used to continually harvest rainwater for domestic uses. 40 drinking tap water samples were also analyzed alongside the rainwater as control. BPA was analyzed using Ecologenia ? Supersensitive BPA ELISA kit, from Japan Envirochemicals Ltd, Japan. The results show a statistically significant increase (P=0.0227) in the BPA level of rainwater compared to the drinking tap water. A comparison of the two storage containers shows a highly significant increase (P= 0.0003) in the rainwater stored in the plastic containers compared to that in metal containers. BPA tends to be highly increased in rainwater in the region, possibly due to increased industrialization, with greater amount in samples stored in plastic containers than that stored in metal containers. This may be attributed to leaching from the plastics. Both drinking of harvested rainwater from the region and water storage in plastic containers should be discouraged.
机译:双酚-A(BPA)是一种增塑剂,用于制造塑料和一种众所周知的内分泌干扰物,会导致多种健康危害。本研究旨在估算尼日利亚埃努古市收集的雨水中的双酚A含量,因此占优势。在收获的雨水样本中估计BPA含量,这些样本储存在塑料储存桶(n = 24)和金属罐(n = 48)中。所有48个存储设备均已连续使用6个月以上,并用于持续收集雨水供家庭使用。还分析了40个饮用自来水样品以及雨水作为对照。使用Ecologenia对BPA进行了分析?日本Japan Envirochemicals Ltd的超灵敏BPA ELISA试剂盒。结果表明,与饮用自来水相比,雨水的BPA水平具有统计学上的显着提高(P = 0.0227)。对两个存储容器的比较显示,与金属容器相比,塑料容器中存储的雨水显着增加(P = 0.0003)。该地区雨水中的BPA趋于高度增加,这可能是由于工业化程度的提高,塑料容器中存储的样品量大于金属容器中存储的样品量。这可能归因于塑料的浸出。既不建议饮用该地区收集的雨水,也不建议将其储存在塑料容器中。



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