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Sociocultural theory and blind taste-tests




In his entertaining 1986 book, The Real Coke, the Real Story, Thomas Oliver tells the story of the now infamous “New Coke”, a story retold in Malcolm Gladwell's (2005) best-seller Blink. In the early 1980s, Pepsi began running commercials in which people took a sip from two glasses, not knowing which was Coke and which Pepsi. The majority preferred Pepsi. The Coca-Cola Company replicated these blind taste-tests and found the same result. Losing market share, Coke—long the dominant brand—changed its old formula and came out with “New Coke”, a soda made to a new formula, one that in a new round of blind taste-tests came out above Pepsi. But New Coke was a disaster.Consumers hated it. Coke not only returned to its old formula, but Pepsi never did overtake Coke, which remains today the dominant brand world-wide.
机译:托马斯·奥利弗(Thomas Oliver)在其有趣的1986年出版的《真正的可乐,真实的故事》中讲述了现在臭名昭著的“新可乐”的故事,该故事在马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell,2005年)畅销书《眨眼》中被重述。在1980年代初期,百事可乐开始经营广告,人们从两杯酒中a了一口,却不知道是哪个可乐和哪个百事可乐。多数人首选百事可乐。可口可乐公司重复了这些盲目的味觉测试,发现了相同的结果。失去了市场份额,长期占据主导地位的可口可乐改变了其旧配方,并推出了“新可乐”,这是一种按新配方制成的苏打水,在新一轮的盲味测试中出现了这种饮料。但是新可乐是一场灾难,消费者讨厌它。可口可乐不仅恢复了原有的配方,而且百事可乐从未超过可口可乐,可口可乐如今仍是全球主导品牌。



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