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Non-genetic factors affecting dystocia and its effects on milk production of Holstein dairy cows in Morocco




The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of non-genetic factors affecting calving difficulty and to investigate the effect of dystocia on 305-day milk and fat yields and fat percent of Holstein cows in North of Morocco. The data set consisted of 1770 calving records for the period from July 2008 to December 2012. Calvings were visually scored on a 5-point system of difficulty with increments of 1. Factors influencing dystocia were analyzed using gamma regression in the GENMOD procedure. The average incidence of dystocia was 4.24%. Dystocia was significantly influenced by calving year and birth number/sex combination (P0.001), but not significantly affected neither by parity nor calving season (P0.05). Parturitions that occurred in 2008 were associated with more calving difficulty than those occurring during other calving years, with a decreasing trend of dystocia from one year to the other. The least-squares means of dystocia scores decreased from 1.92 in 2008 to 1.32 in 2012. Calving difficulty was significantly influenced by birth number/sex of offspring (P0.001). Cows giving birth to single males had a probability of dystocia higher than dams of single females. The least-squares means for scores of dystocia were 1.40 and 1.33, respectively. Moreover, dystocia was significantly influenced by birth number. Thus, the probability of dystocia was higher in cows giving birth to twins than in those with singles. However, the Chi-Square tests indicated that the differences among dams giving birth to twin females, twin males and twin female and male were not significantly different (P0.05). The 305-day milk yield, fat yield and fat percent were not significantly affected by dystocia (P0.05) although cows with dystocia produced 182.8 kg, 7.4 kg and 0% less than cows without dystocia, respectively.
机译:这项研究的目的是分析影响产犊困难的非遗传因素的影响,并研究难产对摩洛哥北部荷斯坦奶牛305天的牛奶和脂肪产量以及脂肪百分比的影响。该数据集由2008年7月至2012年12月期间的1770条产犊记录组成。在5点难度系统上以可视化方式对产犊进行评分,增量为1。难产的平均发生率为4.24%。难产受产犊年和出生数/性别组合的影响显着(P <0.001),但受胎次和产犊季节的影响均不显着(P> 0.05)。与其他产犊年相比,2008年发生的分娩与产犊困难相关,难产的趋势从一年到另一年减少。难产得分的最小二乘均值从2008年的1.92下降到2012年的1.32。分娩困难度受到出生数/后代性别的显着影响(P <0.001)。产下单身男性的母牛难产的可能性高于单身女性的母亲。难产评分的最小二乘均值分别为1.40和1.33。此外,难产受到出生数的显着影响。因此,生双胞胎的母牛难产的几率高于单胎母牛。但是,卡方检验表明,生双胞胎雌,双胞胎雄和双胞胎雌雄之间的水坝之间的差异无显着性差异(P> 0.05)。难产不会显着影响305天的产奶量,脂肪产量和脂肪百分率(P> 0.05),尽管难产奶牛的产奶量分别比未难产奶牛低182.8 kg,7.4 kg和0%。



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