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Entre a memória e a promessa. A dialética idem X ipse na cobertura dos Jogos Pan-americanos

机译:在记忆和承诺之间。泛美运动会的辩证法思想X ipse



This article studies the characteristics of memory and promise in narratives of identity used in the journalistic coverage of the Pan American Games that happened in Rio de Janeiro in 2007. The action of referencing the sports coverage from a regional look, with special attention to the Zero Hora Journal, from Porto Alegre, should be hierarchically articulated to the national level, in a kind of range of identification scales.
机译:本文研究了2007年在里约热内卢发生的泛美运动会的新闻报道中所用的身份叙事中的记忆和承诺特征。从区域角度参考体育报道的行为,尤其关注“零”来自Porto Alegre的Hora Journal应该以一定范围的识别量表在国家层次上进行清晰的表述。



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