Tristia, 1962), has to be read against the background of the saltinnbanque tradition in literature and painting. Poems of Baudelaire, IV'/> ‘Saltimbanque en Vriendin' Opnuut Gelees
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‘Saltimbanque en Vriendin' Opnuut Gelees




N.P. van Wyk Louw's poem, “Saltimbanque en vriendin” (Tristia, 1962), has to be read against the background of the saltinnbanque tradition in literature and painting. Poems of Baudelaire, IVIarsman and Rilke illustrate the mechanism of this tradition: a metaphysical world implied behind the physical world of the artist.The paintings of Georges Rouault and Pablo Picasso around the figure of the clown/saltimbanque are discussed. It is shown that the saltimbanque usually represents the poet/author/artist himself. Finally it is pointed out that "Saltimbanque en vriendin" can be read as the groundplan for "Groot Ode”.
机译:N.P.范·威克·卢(van Wyk Louw)的诗《萨尔提万科·弗里恩丁》(,1962年)必须在文学和绘画的萨尔廷巴克传统的背景下进行阅读。鲍德莱尔(Baudelaire),艾维斯曼(IVIarsman)和里尔克(Rilke)的诗歌阐释了这一传统的机制:隐喻在画家的物理世界背后的形而上世界。结果表明,盐袋通常代表诗人/作者/艺术家本人。最后指出,“萨尔提班克·弗赖恩丁”可以理解为“格鲁特颂德”的基本计划。



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