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A Lower Bound for Adaptively-Secure Collective Coin-Flipping Protocols




In 1985, Ben-Or and Linial (Advances in Computing Research '89) introduced the collective coin-flipping problem, where n parties communicate via a single broadcast channel and wish to generate a common random bit in the presence of adaptive Byzantine corruptions. In this model, the adversary can decide to corrupt a party in the course of the protocol as a function of the messages seen so far. They showed that the majority protocol, in which each player sends a random bit and the output is the majority value, tolerates O(sqrt n) adaptive corruptions. They conjectured that this is optimal for such adversaries.We prove that the majority protocol is optimal (up to a poly-logarithmic factor) among all protocols in which each party sends a single, possibly long, message.Previously, such a lower bound was known for protocols in which parties are allowed to send only a single bit (Lichtenstein, Linial, and Saks, Combinatorica '89), or for symmetric protocols (Goldwasser, Kalai, and Park, ICALP '15).
机译:1985年,Ben-Or和Linial(《计算机研究进展》第89期)提出了集体抛硬币问题,其中n个当事方通过单个广播信道进行通信,并希望在自适应拜占庭式腐败存在的情况下产生一个公共的随机比特。在这种模型中,对手可以根据迄今为止看到的消息来决定在协议过程中破坏一方。他们表明,多数协议(每个玩家发送一个随机位并且输出为多数值)可以容忍O(sqrt n)自适应损坏。他们猜想这对于这类对手是最佳的。我们证明在所有协议中,多数协议是最佳的(最多是一个多对数因子),其中各方都发送一条可能很长的消息。对于允许各方仅发送一个比特的协议(Lichtenstein,Linial和Saks,Combinatorica '89)或对称协议(Goldwasser,Kalai和Park,ICALP '15)而闻名。



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