首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science >Effects of Cultar (paclobutrazol) on vegetative growth and fruit production by nashi (Pyrus seratina Rehd.)

Effects of Cultar (paclobutrazol) on vegetative growth and fruit production by nashi (Pyrus seratina Rehd.)

机译:菜皮(巴豆丁唑)对纳什(Pyrus seratina Rehd。)营养生长和水果生产的影响



Abstract Paclobutrazol was applied to 2-year-old nashi trees either as a soil drench or as a series of four post-flowering foliar sprays, at a low and a high rate of 0.5 and 1.0 g a.i. per tree or 125 and 250 ppm, respectively. The cultivars treated were ‘Hosui’, ‘Kosui’, ‘Nijisseiki’, and ‘Shinsui’. All cultivars showed a significant reduction in vegetative growth within the first season and for up to 4 years after initial application. Most reduction in growth was obtained from soil applications. Least reduction in growth was from a foliar application at the lower rate of 125 ppm. Greatest reduction in growth was obtained with ‘Kosui’ , and least with ‘Hosui’. Over the period of the trial, total fruit numbers and yield, per tree, were reduced by paclobutrazol application, though average fruit size was generally increased from Year 2 onwards. With ‘Hosui’, soil applications of paclobutrazol caused a significant increase in levels of the “bud jump” floral bud disorderand consequently a serious reduction in...
机译:摘要将多效唑用于2年生的纳西树,无论是土壤淋灌还是一系列4种开花后的叶面喷施,均以0.5和1.0 g a.i的高低比率施用。每棵树或分别为125和250 ppm。处理的品种为“细水”,“细水”,“二生精”和“新水”。在首次施用后的最初4年内,所有品种的营养生长均显着减少。生长的减少最多的是土壤应用。以125 ppm的较低速率施用叶面肥后,生长的最低限度减少。增长幅度最大的是“小水”,而最小的是“水水”。在试验期间,多效唑的施用降低了每棵树的总果实数和单产,尽管从第二年开始平均果实大小通常有所增加。通过“ Hosui”,多效唑的土壤施用导致“芽跳”花芽病的水平显着增加,因此严重减少了...



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