首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand journal of agricultural research >Influence of fertiliser and grazing management on North Island moist hill country 4. Pasture species abundance

Influence of fertiliser and grazing management on North Island moist hill country 4. Pasture species abundance




Abstract A grazing trial was conducted on steep, moist, low fertility hill country in the southern Hawke's Bay during 1975–81. There were 2 fertiliser treatments: low (LF) and high (HF) superphosphate application (plus lime on HF), and 3 grazing managements — rotational grazing by sheep (RGS) or cattle (RGC), and set stocking by sheep (SSS). Annual measurements of pasture species abundance (plant unit density and size) were made in each year during 1976–81. Density of plant units was greater in HF than LF (27.8 cf. 25.3 × 103/m2) pastures and, for the 3 different grazing managements, SSS > RGS > RGC (30.1, 25.2, and 17.1 × 103/m2 respectively). In addition, plant density decreased with increasing slope of measurement site, and was influenced by aspect. In most instances, lower plant unit density was compensated for by increases in plant unit size, in accordance with the ‘3/2 thinning law’. This did not occur under RGC because of severe treading damage, and the depression in herbage accumulation rate in th...
机译:摘要1975–81年期间,在霍克湾南部的陡峭,潮湿,低肥力的丘陵地带进行了放牧试验。施肥有2种处理方法:过磷酸钙(LF)和高磷(HF)施用(在HF上加石灰),以及三种放牧管理方式:绵羊(RGS)或牛(RGC)轮牧,绵羊固定放牧(SSS) 。在1976-81年间,每年对牧场物种的丰度(植物单位密度和大小)进行年度测量。 HF草场的植物单位密度大于LF草场(27.8 cf. 25.3×103 / m2),并且在3种不同放牧管理下,SSS> RGS> RGC(分别为30.1、25.2和17.1×103 / m2)。另外,植物密度随着测量部位的斜率的增加而降低,并受纵横比的影响。在大多数情况下,根据“ 3/2间苗法”,通过增加单位面积的大小可以补偿较低的单位密度。由于严重的踩踏损坏以及草地中草料积累速率的降低,在RGC下不会发生这种情况。



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