首页> 外文期刊>New York Journal of Mathematics >The Canonical Class and the C∞ Properties of Kähler Surfaces

The Canonical Class and the C∞ Properties of Kähler Surfaces




We give a self contained proof thatfor Kähler surfaces with non-negative Kodaira dimension,the canonical class of the minimal model and the(-1)-curves are oriented diffeomorphism invariants up to sign.This includes the case pg = 0.It implies that the Kodaira dimension is determined by the underlyingdifferentiable manifold.We then reprove that the multiplicities of the ellipticfibration are determined by the underlying oriented manifold, and thatthe plurigenera of a surface are oriented diffeomorphism invariants.We also compute the Seiberg Witten invariants of all Kählersurfaces of non-negative Kodaira dimension.The proof uses a set up of Seiberg Witten theory that replaces genericmetrics by the construction of a localised Euler class of an infinitedimensional bundle with a Fredholm section. This makes thetechniques of excess intersection available in gauge theory
机译:我们给出了一个独立的证明,即对于具有非负Kodaira维数的Kähler曲面,最小模型的典范类和(-1)-曲线是定向至符号的微分不变量。这包括pg = 0的情况,这意味着Kodaira维数由下面的可分流形决定。然后我们证明椭圆纤维的多重性由下面的有向流形决定,并且表面的多变体是有向微分形不变性。 -负的Kodaira维数。该证明使用Seiberg Witten理论的建立,该理论通过构造带有Fredholm截面的无限维束的局部Euler类来代替通用度量。这使得规范理论中可以使用多余的相交技术



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