首页> 外文期刊>New York Journal of Mathematics >On the topological structure of complex tangencies to embeddings of S3 into C3

On the topological structure of complex tangencies to embeddings of S3 into C3




In the mid-1980's, M. Gromov used his machinery of the h-principle to prove that there exists totally real embeddings of S3 into C3. Subsequently, Patrick Ahern and Walter Rudin explicitlydemonstrated such a totally real embedding. In this paper, we consider the generic situation for such embeddings, namely where complex tangents arise as codimension-2 subspaces. We first consider the Heisenberg group H and generate some interesting results therein. Then, by using the biholomorphism of H with the 3-sphere minus a point, wedemonstrate that every homeomorphism-type of knot in S3 may arise precisely as the set of complex tangents to an embedding S3 ⟶ C3. We also make note of the (nongeneric) situation where complex tangents arise along surfaces.
机译:在1980年代中期,M。Gromov用他的h原理机器证明了S3完全嵌入到C3中。随后,Patrick Ahern和Walter Rudin明确展示了这种完全真实的嵌入方式。在本文中,我们考虑了此类嵌入的一般情况,即,复杂切线作为codimension-2子空间出现。我们首先考虑海森堡H组,并在其中产生一些有趣的结果。然后,通过将H的双全纯与一个3球减去一个点,证明S3中每个同胚类型的结都可以精确地作为嵌入S3⟶C3的一组复杂切线出现。我们还注意到(非一般)情况,其中沿曲面会出现复杂切线。



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