首页> 外文期刊>New York Journal of Mathematics >The Picard Group of the Moduli of Higher Spin Curves

The Picard Group of the Moduli of Higher Spin Curves




This article treats the Picard group of the moduli (stack) of r-spin curves and its compactification. Generalized spin curves, or r-spin curves are a natural generalization of 2-spin curves (algebraic curves with a theta-characteristic), and have been of interest lately because they are the subject of a remarkable conjecture of E. Witten, and because of the similarities between the intersection theory of these moduli spaces and that of the moduli of stable maps. We generalize results of Cornalba, describing and giving relations between many of the elements of the Picard group of the stacks. These relations are important in the proof of the genus-zero case of Witten's conjecture given in [14]. We use these relations to show that when 2 or 3 divides r, the Picard group has non-zero torsion. And finally, we work out some specific examples.
机译:本文讨论了R型自旋曲线的模数(堆栈)的Picard组及其压缩。广义自旋曲线或r-spin曲线是2-spin曲线(具有theta特性的代数曲线)的自然概括,并且最近引起人们的关注是因为它们是E. Witten惊人猜想的主题,并且因为这些模空间的相交理论与稳定图的模的相交理论之间的相似性。我们对Cornalba的结果进行概括,描述并给出堆栈的Picard组的许多元素之间的关系。这些关系对于证明[14]中的维滕猜想的属零情形非常重要。我们使用这些关系表明,当2或3除以r时,皮卡德群具有非零扭转。最后,我们得出一些具体示例。



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