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New records of Xylariaceae from Panama




Twenty-two species of Xylariaceae (Xylariales, Ascomycota) are presented as new records for Panama based on specimens recently collected in this country in Southern Central America:? Annulohypoxylon multiforme, A. truncatum, Biscogniauxia capnodes,? B? .? philippinensis,? Camillea stellata ,? Daldinia placentiformis, D. steglichii, Hypoxylon anthochroum, H. crocopeplum, H. fendleri,? H.? investiens, H. lividipigmentum,? Kretzschmaria pavimentosa, K. sandvicensis ,? Nemania inmersidiscus ,? Poronia oedipus ,? Whalleya microplaca, Xylaria anisopleura, X. enteroleuca, X. fissilis, X. gracillima? and? X. schweinitzii . The number of species of Xylariaceae known for Panama thereby increases from 54 to 76 species. Some other collections correspond to new records in different provinces of Panama. Most species are rather common mostly in tropical and subtropical latitudes.? Daldinia steglichii , however, is up to now only known for India and Papua New Guinea,? Hypoxylon lividipigmentum? only for Venezuela and Mexico,? Nemania immersidiscus? only for Guyana, Papua New Guinea and Hawaii and? Whalleya microplaca? is only known from China, Mauritius, the Philippines, the USA and Taiwan.? Camillea stellata? was recently (1989) described from Peru and since this date collected in Ecuador and Brazil. As Panama is located in a hotspot of biodiversity, many more species are still waiting for discovery.
机译:根据最近在中美洲南部该国收集的标本,介绍了22种木糖科(木糖科,子囊菌)作为巴拿马的新记录。多形环丙醛,沙棘曲霉,双壳纲cap节,? B? 。? philippinensis?山茶花,? Daldinia placentiformis,D。steglichii,Hypoxylon anthochroum,H。crocopeplum,H。fendleri? H。?被投资人,lividipigmentum ,? Kretzschmaria pavimentosa,K. sandvicensis,?奈曼尼亚虫俄狄俄斯Whalleya microplaca,Xylaria anisopleura,X. enteroleuca,X. fissilis,X. gracillima?和? X.schweinitzii。因此,巴拿马已知的木糖科的物种数量从54种增加到76种。其他一些收藏对应于巴拿马不同省份的新记录。大多数物种相当常见,主要发生在热带和亚热带纬度。但是,到目前为止,Daldinia steglichii仅以印度和巴布亚新几内亚为名吗? Hypoxylon lividipigmentum?仅限于委内瑞拉和墨西哥? Nemania immersidiscus?仅适用于圭亚那,巴布亚新几内亚和夏威夷? Whalleya microplaca?仅从中国,毛里求斯,菲律宾,美国和台湾而闻名。山茶花吗?是最近(1989年)从秘鲁描述的,自此之后在厄瓜多尔和巴西收集。由于巴拿马位于生物多样性的热点地区,更多物种仍在等待发现。



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