首页> 外文期刊>North American Fungi >First report of Myrothecium roridum from a gymnosperm

First report of Myrothecium roridum from a gymnosperm

机译:裸子植物的Myrothecium roridum的首次报道



Although? Myrothecium roridum? has been reported as a pathogen and an endophyte with a wide host range among Angiosperms, it has never before been reported from a gymnosperm host. Reports of this fungus are also much more common in Asia than in North America where? M. roridum? is infrequently found on introduced plants in the warmer, southernmost parts of the United States. Thus, it was surprising on three levels to isolate endophytic? M. roridum? from a North American native gymnosperm,? Pinus albicaulis , at high elevation in Crater Lake National Park (CLNP) in Oregon. In PDA culture, its olive green conidia were 6-8 μm long (mean of 6.8) × 2 μm wide, and cylindrical with rounded ends. Conidia formed dark green to black masses on sessile sporodochia in concentric zones. The sequence identity of the ITS1, ITS2 and the 5.8S rRNA of CLNP isolate RV10#75 (GenBank accession GQ152603) with deposited sequences of? M. roridum? in the National Center for Biotechnology Information database was 99.82%.? The conservation implications of this finding are discussed.
机译:虽然?罗勒霉菌?据报道被子植物中的病原体和内生菌具有广泛的宿主范围,而裸子植物宿主从未有过报道。在亚洲,这种真菌的报告也比北美的报告更为普遍? M. roridum?在美国最暖和的南部地区很少见于引进植物。因此,在三个层面上分离内生菌是令人惊讶的。 M. roridum?来自北美本地裸子植物吗?白松,在俄勒冈州的火山口湖国家公园(CLNP)中的高海拔。在PDA培养中,其橄榄绿色分生孢子长6-8μm(平均6.8)×2μm宽,呈圆柱形,末端呈圆形。分生孢子在同心区无柄孢子虫上形成深绿色至黑色块。 CLNP的ITS1,ITS2和5.8S rRNA的序列同一性分离出RV10#75(GenBank登录号GQ152603)的保藏序列为? M. roridum?国家生物技术信息中心数据库中的数据为99.82%。讨论了这一发现的保护意义。



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