首页> 外文期刊>Nonlinear processes in geophysics >Detecting and tracking eddies in oceanic flow fields: a Lagrangian descriptor based on the modulus of vorticity

Detecting and tracking eddies in oceanic flow fields: a Lagrangian descriptor based on the modulus of vorticity




Since eddies play a major role in the dynamics of oceanic flows, it is of great interest to detect them and gain information about their tracks, their lifetimes and their shapes. We present a Lagrangian descriptor based on the modulus of vorticity to construct an eddy tracking tool. In our approach we denote an eddy as a rotating region in the flow possessing an eddy core corresponding to a local maximum of the Lagrangian descriptor and enclosed by pieces of manifolds of distinguished hyperbolic trajectories (eddy boundary). We test the performance of the eddy tracking tool based on this Lagrangian descriptor using an convection flow of four eddies, a synthetic vortex street and a velocity field of the western Baltic Sea. The results for eddy lifetime and eddy shape are compared to the results obtained with the Okubo–Weiss parameter, the modulus of vorticity and an eddy tracking tool used in oceanography. We show that the vorticity-based Lagrangian descriptor estimates lifetimes closer to the analytical results than any other method. Furthermore we demonstrate that eddy tracking based on this descriptor is robust with respect to certain types of noise, which makes it a suitable method for eddy detection in velocity fields obtained from observation.
机译:由于涡旋在海洋流动的动力学中起着重要作用,因此对涡旋进行检测并获取有关其轨迹,寿命和形状的信息非常重要。我们提出了一种基于涡度模量的拉格朗日描述符,以构建涡旋跟踪工具。在我们的方法中,我们将涡流表示为流中的一个旋转区域,它具有一个涡流核,该涡核对应于拉格朗日描述符的局部最大值,并且由多个明显的双曲线轨迹的多流形(涡流边界)包围。我们使用四个涡流的对流,合成涡街和波罗的海西部的速度场,基于拉格朗日描述符测试了涡流跟踪工具的性能。将涡旋寿命和涡旋形状的结果与使用Okubo– Weiss参数,涡度模量和海洋学中使用的涡旋跟踪工具获得的结果进行比较。我们表明,基于涡度的拉格朗日描述符估计的寿命比其他任何方法都更接近分析结果。此外,我们证明了基于该描述符的涡流跟踪对于某些类型的噪声是鲁棒的,这使其成为从观测获得的速度场中进行涡流检测的合适方法。



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