首页> 外文期刊>New journal of physics >Dynamic states of swimming bacteria in a nematic liquid crystal cell with homeotropic alignment

Dynamic states of swimming bacteria in a nematic liquid crystal cell with homeotropic alignment




Download video Transcript View all New J. Phys. video abstracts Flagellated bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis exhibit effective mechanisms for swimming in fluids and exploring the surrounding environment. In isotropic fluids such as water, the bacteria change swimming direction through the run-and-tumble process. Lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals (LCLCs) have been introduced recently as an anisotropic environment in which the direction of preferred orientation, the director, guides the bacterial trajectories. In this work, we describe the behavior of bacteria B. subtilis in a homeotropic LCLC geometry, in which the director is perpendicular to the bounding plates of a shallow cell. We demonstrate that the bacteria are capable of overcoming the stabilizing elastic forces of the LCLC and swim perpendicularly to the imposed director (and parallel to the bounding plates). The effect is explained by a finite surface anchoring of the director at the bacterial body; the role of surface anchoring is analyzed by numerical simulations of a rod realigning in an otherwise uniform director field. Shear flows produced by a swimming bacterium cause director distortions around its body, as evidenced both by experiments and numerical simulations. These distortions contribute to a repulsive force that keeps the swimming bacterium at a distance of a few micrometers away from the bounding plates. The homeotropic alignment of the director imposes two different scenarios of bacterial tumbling: one with an 180° reversal of the horizontal velocity and the other with the realignment of the bacterium by two consecutive 90° turns. In the second case, the angle between the bacterial body and the imposed director changes from 90° to 0° and then back to 90°; the new direction of swimming does not correlate with the previous swimming direction.
机译:下载视频抄本查看全部New J. Phys。视频摘要鞭毛细菌,例如大肠杆菌和枯草芽孢杆菌,表现出有效的机制,可以在液体中游泳并探索周围的环境。在诸如水的各向同性流体中,细菌会通过滚动过程改变游泳方向。溶致致变色液晶(LCLCs)最近被作为一种各向异性环境引入,在该环境中,优选取向的方向(导向器)引导细菌的轨迹。在这项工作中,我们描述了垂直方向LCLC几何中枯草芽孢杆菌的行为,其中的指向矢垂直于浅细胞的边界板。我们证明细菌能够克服LCLC的稳定弹力,并垂直于施加的导向器(并平行于边界板)游动。这种作用可以通过指向矢在细菌体上的有限表面锚定来解释。通过在原本均匀的导向器场中重新排列的棒的数值模拟,分析了表面锚固的作用。实验和数值模拟均表明,游泳细菌产生的剪切流导致其身体周围的指向矢变形。这些变形会产生排斥力,从而使游泳细菌与边界板保持几微米的距离。指向矢的垂直排列会导致细菌翻滚的两种不同情况:一种是水平速度反转180°,另一种是细菌连续两次旋转90°后重新排列。在第二种情况下,细菌体与施加的指向矢之间的角度从90°更改为0°,然后又返回90°。新的游泳方向与以前的游泳方向不相关。



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