首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Laboratory Medicine >Anaemia in Pregnant Women in Labour and its Correlation with Newborn Birth Weight-How Far we have Reached?

Anaemia in Pregnant Women in Labour and its Correlation with Newborn Birth Weight-How Far we have Reached?




Introduction: Maternal anaemia is one of the important preventable causes of low birth weight in newborn leading to maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Maternal complications and poor perinatal outcome are highly associated with non-utilization of antenatal and delivery care services with poorer outcomes in unbooked than booked patients.Aim: To assess the haemoglobin level and type of anaemia in unbooked pregnant women i.e., without any antenatal visit and to identify if there is any correlation between maternal anaemia with fetal weight. Also to compare these findings with booked pregnant women i.e., who had at least 3 antenatal visits to see whether utilization of antenatal services affect fetal outcome.Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional analytical study. Booked and unbooked pregnant women attending labour ward of a tertiary care hospital catering rural population with sample size of 60 in booked cases as control and 30 cases as test group without any co-morbid conditions except anaemia. Blood collected in EDTA was analysed on automatic hematoanalyzer for Complete Blood Count (CBC), haemoglobin level and Hematocrit values were noted. Also, newborn birth weight was noted in labour ward in kilograms.Results: Age and parity parameter showed no statistical significance in unbooked or booked group while comparing haemoglobin levels and newborn weight. Correlation between level of haemoglobin of pregnant mother and birth weight of newborn babies showed statistical significance (p<0.001) in unbooked cases. Also, in this group, 85% showed anaemia, with majority showing moderate grade of anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia being the commonest. Similarly, in unbooked group, intra group correlation between different grades of anaemia and mean newborn weight in each group showed significant (p<0.001). In comparative study between newborn weight, Low Birth Weight (LBW) accounted for 15% in booked group whereas in unbooked it accounted for 56.6%, the difference was found to be statistically significant (p<0.001).Conclusion: Thus, though the incidence of unbooked cases is less at our institute but there is a significant correlation between anaemia and LBW in unbooked cases which needs to be addressed to reduce maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Also, moderate anaemia in booked group indicates poor compliance in spite of regular utilization of ANC services.
机译:简介:母体贫血是新生儿低出生体重的重要预防原因之一,可导致母婴发病和死亡。孕产妇并发症和围生期不良与未使用产前和分娩护理高度相关,未预订的患者比未预订的患者的预后差。目的:评估未经预订的孕妇的血红蛋白水平和贫血类型,即没有进行任何产前检查和以确定母体贫血与胎儿体重之间是否存在任何相关性。还将这些发现与已预订的孕妇进行比较,即至少进行了3次产前检查,以了解利用产前服务是否会影响胎儿结局。材料和方法:这是一项横断面分析研究。参加农村地区三级医院劳动病房的已预订和未预订孕妇的样本量分别为60例(对照组)和30例(对照组),除贫血外没有其他合并症。在自动血液分析仪上分析在EDTA中收集的血液的全血细胞计数(CBC),并记录血红蛋白水平和血细胞比容值。结果:在未预订或预订的组中,在比较血红蛋白水平和新生儿体重时,年龄和胎次参数在未预订或预订的组中没有统计学意义。在未预订的病例中,怀孕母亲的血红蛋白水平与新生儿出生体重之间的相关性具有统计学意义(p <0.001)。此外,在这一组中,有85%的人表现出贫血,大多数表现为中度贫血,铁缺乏性贫血是最常见的。同样,在未预订的组中,各组不同等级的贫血与平均新生儿体重之间的组内相关性也显示显着(p <0.001)。在新生儿体重之间的比较研究中,预订组的低出生体重(LBW)占15%,而未预订组的低出生体重(LBW)占56.6%,差异具有统计学意义(p <0.001)。我们机构未预订的病例数量较少,但在未预订的病例中,贫血与LBW之间存在显着相关性,需要解决这一问题,以减少母婴发病率和死亡率。此外,尽管经常使用ANC服务,但预订组的中度贫血表明依从性差。



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