首页> 外文期刊>Neuropsychopharmacology >The Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Fluoxetine Reduces Sex Steroid-Related Aggression in Female Rats: An Animal Model of Premenstrual Irritability?

The Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Fluoxetine Reduces Sex Steroid-Related Aggression in Female Rats: An Animal Model of Premenstrual Irritability?




The aggressive behavior displayed by some (but not all) female Wistar rats when an unfamiliar rat is being introduced into their home cage (the resident intruder paradigm) was found to be higher in non-receptive phases (metestrus, diestrus) than in the receptive phases (proestrus, estrus) of the estrus cycle, and effectively reduced by ovariectomy. When removal of the ovaries was followed by administration of estradiol and progesterone, in a regimen mimicking the normal cyclical release of these hormones, aggressive behavior was elicited, two days after estrus, in animals that had displayed aggressive behavior before ovariectomy, but not in those that had not. Short-term administration of a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (fluoxetine hydrochloride; 10 mg/kg, i.p.; 4–5 days) reduced both the aggressive behavior displayed during the diestrus phase by normally cycling rats, and the aggressive behavior elicited by administration of estradiol plus progesterone after ovariectomy. It is suggested that the aggressive behavior displayed by the female Wistar rat in the resident intruder paradigm may serve as an animal model of premenstrual dysphoria.
机译:发现一些(但不是全部)雌性Wistar大鼠在将不熟悉的大鼠引入其家笼(常驻入侵者范式)时表现出的攻击行为在非接受阶段(肠胃,双耳)要高于接受阶段发情周期的各个阶段(发情期,发情期),并通过卵巢切除术有效减少。当在卵巢切除后再施用雌二醇和孕酮时,在模拟这些激素正常周期性释放的方案中,发情后两天,对那些在卵巢切除前表现出侵略性行为的动物引发了侵略性行为,没有。短期施用5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(盐酸氟西汀; 10 mg / kg,腹膜内; 4-5天)可减少正常骑自行车的大鼠在发情期所表现出的攻击行为,以及通过服用雌二醇加引起的攻击行为卵巢切除后的孕激素。建议雌性Wistar大鼠在常驻入侵者范例中表现出的攻击行为可能是经前烦躁不安的动物模型。



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