首页> 外文期刊>Neotropical Ichthyology >Priocharax nanus, a new miniature characid from the rio Negro, Amazon basin (Ostariophysi: Characiformes), with an updated list of miniature Neotropical freshwater fishes

Priocharax nanus, a new miniature characid from the rio Negro, Amazon basin (Ostariophysi: Characiformes), with an updated list of miniature Neotropical freshwater fishes

机译:Priocharax nanus,亚马逊河里约热内卢的一种新型微型耐酸碱(Ostariophysi:Characiformes),其中包括新近热带小型淡水鱼类的最新清单



Priocharax nanus, new species, is described from the rio Negro, Brazil. It is a miniature fish that retains as an adult the larval rayless pectoral fin, a diagnostic character of the genus. Priocharax nanus possesses fewer reductive features compared to congeners, P. ariel and P. pygmaeus, from which it can be distinguished by the presence of i,6 pelvic-fin rays (vs. i,5), the presence of the claustrum (vs. claustrum absent) and the presence of two postcleithra (vs. postcleithra absent). An updated list of 213 species of miniature Neotropical freshwater fishes is presented. The greatest diversity among them is represented by the Characiformes with 87 miniature species.
机译:新物种Priocharax nanus记载于巴西里约黑格罗。它是一种微型鱼,成年时保留幼虫无射线的胸鳍,这是该属的诊断特征。与同类动物P. ariel和P. pygmaeus相比,Priocharax nanus具有较少的还原特征,可以通过存在i,6骨盆鳍射线(vs. i,5),锁骨锁骨(vs 。claustrum缺失)和两个postcleithra(相对于postcleithra缺失)的存在。列出了213种新热带淡水鱼类的最新清单。其中最大的多样性是由87个微型物种的Characiformes代表。



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