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Endophytes as Producers of Peptides: An Overview About the Recently Discovered Peptides from Endophytic Microbes




An endophyte is a fungus or bacterium that lives within a plant in a symbiotic relationship. Extensive colonization of the plant tissue by endophytes creates a barrier effect, where they outcompete and prevent pathogenic organisms from taking hold. This happens by producing secondary metabolites that inhibit the growth of the competitors or pathogens. In this way they play a very important role in the plant defence mechanisms. The metabolites produced by these endophytes fall within a wide range of classes of compounds that include peptides which are the focus of this review. Peptides are increasingly being selected for drug development because they are specific for their targets and have a higher degree of interactions. There have been quite a number of endophytic peptides reported in the recent past indicating that endophytes can be used for the production of peptide based drugs. Molecular screening for NRPS, which shows peptide producing capability, has also shown that endophytes are potential producers of peptides. The presence of NRPS also offers the possibility of genetic modifications which may generate peptides with high pharmacological activities. This review, therefore, aims to show the current status of peptides isolated from endophytic bacteria and fungi in the recent decade. Endophytes as potential sources of peptides according to NRPS studies will also be discussed.
机译:内生菌是一种以共生关系生活在植物中的真菌或细菌。内生菌对植物组织的广泛定殖会产生屏障效应,它们在竞争中胜过竞争并阻止病原生物的入侵。这是通过产生抑制竞争者或病原体生长的次级代谢产物而发生的。这样,它们在植物防御机制中起着非常重要的作用。这些内生菌产生的代谢物属于包括肽在内的多种化合物,这是本综述的重点。越来越多地选择肽进行药物开发,因为它们对靶标具有特异性并且具有更高的相互作用度。最近有相当数量的内生肽报道,表明内生菌可用于生产基于肽的药物。 NRPS的分子筛查显示了肽的生产能力,也表明内生菌是肽的潜在生产者。 NRPS的存在还提供了遗传修饰的可能性,其可以产生具有高药理活性的肽。因此,本综述旨在显示近十年来从内生细菌和真菌中分离出的肽的现状。还将讨论根据NRPS研究作为肽的潜在来源的内生菌。



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