首页> 外文期刊>Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions >Redox-Active Pyocyanin Secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 7NSK2 Triggers Systemic Resistance to Magnaporthe grisea but Enhances Rhizoctonia solani Susceptibility in Rice

Redox-Active Pyocyanin Secreted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 7NSK2 Triggers Systemic Resistance to Magnaporthe grisea but Enhances Rhizoctonia solani Susceptibility in Rice




Pseudomonas aeruginosa 7NSK2 induces resistance in dicots through a synergistic interaction of the phenazine pyocyanin and the salicylic acid-derivative pyochelin. Root inoculation of the monocot model rice with 7NSK2 partially protected leaves against blast disease (Magnaporthe grisea) but failed to consistently reduce sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani). Only mutations interfering with pyocyanin production led to a significant decrease in induced systemic resistance (ISR) to M. grisea, and in trans complementation for pyocyanin production restored the ability to elicit ISR. Intriguingly, pyocyanin-deficient mutants, unlike the wild type, triggered ISR against R. solani. Hence, bacterial pyocyanin plays a differential role in 7NSK2-mediated ISR in rice. Application of purified pyocyanin to hydroponically grown rice seedlings increased H2O2 levels locally on the root surface as well as a biphasic H2O2 generation pattern in distal leaves. Co-application of pyocyanin and the antioxidant sodium ascorbate alleviated the opposite effects of pyocyanin on rice blast and sheath blight development, suggesting that the differential effectiveness of pyocyanin with respect to 7NSK2-triggered ISR is mediated by transiently elevated H2O2 levels in planta. The cumulative results suggest that reactive oxygen species act as a double-edged sword in the interaction of rice with the hemibiotroph M. grisea and the necrotroph R. solani.
机译:铜绿假单胞菌7NSK2通过吩嗪黄花青素和水杨酸衍生化的白屈菜素的协同相互作用在双子叶植物中诱导抗性。用7NSK2的单子叶植物模型水稻的根部接种部分保护了叶片免受稻瘟病(Magnaporthe grisea)的侵害,但未能持续减少鞘枯病(Rhizoctonia solani)。只有干扰绿脓素生成的突变才导致对稻瘟病菌的诱导系统抗性(ISR)显着降低,而对黄绿素生成的反式互补则恢复了引发ISR的能力。有趣的是,与野生型不同,缺乏花青素的突变体引发了针对茄红梭菌的ISR。因此,细菌性花青素在水稻的7NSK2介导的ISR中起着不同的作用。在水培水稻幼苗上应用纯净的花青素可以增加根表面局部的H2O2水平,并增加远端叶片的双相H2O2生成方式。绿脓素和抗氧化剂抗坏血酸钠的共同应用减轻了绿脓素对稻瘟病和鞘枯病发展的相反影响,这表明绿藻素相对于7NSK2触发的ISR的不同功效是由植物体内H2O2的瞬时升高介​​导的。累积的结果表明,活性氧在水稻与半生营养型稻瘟病菌和死营养型梭状芽胞杆菌的相互作用中起了双刃剑的作用。



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