首页> 外文期刊>Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz >Blood transfusion and iatrogenic risks in Mexico city. Anti- Trypanosoma cruzi seroprevalence in 43,048 blood donors, evaluation of parasitemia, and electrocardiogram findings in seropositive

Blood transfusion and iatrogenic risks in Mexico city. Anti- Trypanosoma cruzi seroprevalence in 43,048 blood donors, evaluation of parasitemia, and electrocardiogram findings in seropositive

机译:墨西哥城的输血和医源性风险。 43,048名献血者的抗克氏锥虫血清阳性率,寄生虫病评估和血清阳性的心电图检查结果



Iatrogenous transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi by blood transfusion was suggested as a potential risk by Pellegrino (1949). Seropositive blood donors in Mexico were first reported in 1978, however, limited information is available due to small sampling, the use of heterogeneous serologic assays, and geographically limited studies. A wide survey carried out in 18 out of the 32 states of Mexico, showed a national mean of 1.6% seropositive among 64,969 donors, ranging from 0.2 to 2.8%. In the present study, we have screened 43,048 voluntary blood donors in a period of five years at the Instituto Nacional de Cardiología I. Chávez, a concentration hospital located in Mexico city which serves mainly the metropolitan area and accepts from all over the country. Standardized ELISA and IIF were used to identify seropositive individuals in addition to hemoculture, PCR and standard 12 lead ECG tests that were applied to a group of seropositive patients (29/161). The result showed a seropositivity of 0.37% (161/43,048). From the group of seropositive individuals 40% (12/29) were potential carriers of T. cruzi at the donation time and 5/29 had subclinical ECG abnormalities. Parasitological tests performed in 70 erythrocyte and platelet fractions from seropositive units (70/161) showed negative results. Our findings strongly support T. cruzi screening in the transfusion medicine practice and identify subclinical heart disease among seropositive blood donors.
机译:Pellegrino(1949)认为通过输血引起的克氏锥虫的原发性传播是潜在的风险。墨西哥的血清反应阳性献血者于1978年首次报道,但是,由于样本量少,使用异质血清学检测方法和地理条件有限,因此可获得的信息有限。在墨西哥32个州中的18个州进行的一项广泛调查显示,全国64,969名捐助者中血清阳性的全国平均水平为1.6%,范围从0.2至2.8%。在本研究中,我们已经在墨西哥国立心脏病研究所I.Chávez进行了为期五年的筛查43,048名自愿献血者。除了将血培养,PCR和标准12导联心电图测试应用于一组血清阳性患者外,还使用标准化的ELISA和IIF来鉴定血清阳性的个体(29/161)。结果显示血清阳性为0.37%(161 / 43,048)。血清反应阳性的人中有40%(12/29)是捐赠时克氏锥虫的潜在携带者,而5/29有亚临床ECG异常。对来自血清反应阳性单位(70/161)的70个红细胞和血小板部分进行的寄生虫学测试显示阴性结果。我们的发现强烈支持输血医学实践中的克氏锥虫筛查,并在血清阳性献血者中鉴定亚临床心脏病。


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