
Place, Craft And The Ambiguity Of High-Tech




This paper arose out of a frustration with the recurring tendency in twentiethcentury architectural culture to reduce architecture to a matter of style. FromHitchcock and Johnson's well-known 1932 MOMA exhibition when selectedexamples of modern architecture were presented as "International Style"(Figure 1), to the 1980's publicity of "High-Tech" as a distinct new style(Figure 2) circumstances have significantly changed. However, what is commonto both is a structure of perception that tends to isolate iconography as thedominant feature of architecture and thus, by pulling the discussion to stylisticgrounds, seriously distorts any meaningful analysis of work and ideas. As inHitchcock and Johnson's enterprise to lend credibility and stylistic homogeneityto modern architecture, High-Tech stands today as a catch-word for anythingemploying industrial materials, bright colors and "technological looks" (Figure 3).Those displeased by the stylistic connotations of the term resort to a kind oftechnological determinism emphasizing concepts of efficiency, economy andrationality uncontaminated by aesthetic concerns. For others, it is preciselythis stylistic aspect - this aesthetization and hence, dem justification of technologywhich demands attention and acclaim. Both approaches undoubtedly captureimportant features of the kind of architecture that is embraced by the termHigh-Tech. However, for a characterization of its real possibilities, limits andtheoretical content, both offer extremely inadequate criteria.
机译:本文是出于对二十世纪建筑文化不断出现的将建筑简化为风格的趋势而感到沮丧的。 FromHitchcock和约翰逊的著名的1932年MOMA的展览时,现代建筑的selectedexamples呈现为“国际风格”(图1),1980年的宣传“高科技”作为一个独特的新风格(图2)的情况下已显著改变。然而,两者的共同点是一种倾向于将肖像作为建筑的主要特征而孤立的感知结构,因此,通过将讨论拉到风格基础上,会严重扭曲对作品和思想的任何有意义的分析。作为希区柯克(Hitchcock)和约翰逊(Johnson)的企业要为现代建筑提供信誉和风格同质性的今天,高科技已成为使用工业材料,鲜艳色彩和“技术外观”的任何标语(图3)。诉诸一种技术决定论,强调效率,经济和理性的概念,这些概念不受美学关注。对于其他人来说,正是这种风格方面-这种审美化以及因此对技术的辩护需要引起关注和好评。无疑,这两种方法都体现了高科技一词所包含的那种架构的重要特征。但是,为了描述其实际可能性,限制和理论内容,两者均提供了极其不足的标准。



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