
A Divided Capital: Residential Segregation In Ankara




The 2000s have certainly been a period of massive changes in Turkish society. Looking backwards, one can safely argue that nothing has remained the same in Turkey since the early 2000s, which marks probably one of the most significant turning points in near history in political, social and economic terms. In this decade, Justice and Development Party (JDP) won three successive elections starting in 2002, increasing its share of votes in each case. The success of the JDP, an Islamist-leaning party, represented a turning point in Turkish political history and was surely unimaginable as far as the political climate of the 1990s is considered. In the economic sphere, Turkey registered a remarkable growth over the ten years, to such an extent that it is expected to be one of the world’s fastest growing economy between the years of 2012 and 2017 (OECD, 2012). The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, for instance, improved in this period, jumping from 3,492$ in 2002 to 10,067$ in 2010 according to Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) figures. Yet in this term, not only the macro economy, but also the social and institutional infrastructure have been subjected to structural transformations with neoliberal policies being implemented in all aspects. First and foremost, regulatory state interventions in social and economic sphere have reached such levels that were unthinkable in previous periods. The relations with the European Union during this period also provided an important context for the implementation of a neoliberal agenda with explicit social and regulatory components (?ni?, 2012). The health and social security systems were adjusted in line with these new reforms. Public expenditures, for instance, especially in the realms of health and education have considerably grown. In terms of percentages, health spending that accounted for 3.7 % of GDP in 2002 increased to 4.4 % in 2011.
机译:2000年代无疑是土耳其社会发生巨变的时期。往后看,可以肯定地说,自2000年代初以来,土耳其没有任何变化,这可能标志着从政治,社会和经济角度而言,近代历史上最重要的转折点之一。在这十年中,正义与发展党(JDP)荣获2002年开始连续三次选举中,增加了在各种情况下的投票份额。 JDP是一个伊斯兰倾向的政党,它的成功代表了土耳其政治历史的转折点,就1990年代的政治气候而言,这无疑是无法想象的。在经济领域,土耳其在过去十年中取得了惊人的增长,以至于预计到2012年至2017年间,土耳其将成为世界上增长最快的经济体之一(经合组织,2012年)。例如,根据土耳其统计局(TurkStat)的数据,此期间人均国内生产总值(GDP)有所提高,从2002年的3,492美元跃升至2010年的10,067美元。然而,从这个术语来看,不仅宏观经济,而且社会和体制基础设施都经历了结构性转变,新自由主义政策在各个方面都得到了实施。首先,国家在社会和经济领域的干预措施达到了以前时期无法想象的水平。在此期间,与欧盟的关系也为实施具有明确社会和监管成分的新自由主义议程提供了重要背景(ni,2012)。卫生和社会保障体系根据这些新改革进行了调整。例如,公共支出,特别是在卫生和教育领域的支出已经大大增加。就百分比而言,2002年占国民生产总值3.7%的卫生支出增加到2011年的4.4%。



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