首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Taxonomy >Conus hughmorrisoni, a new species of cone snail from New Ireland, Papua New Guinea (Gastropoda: Conidae)

Conus hughmorrisoni, a new species of cone snail from New Ireland, Papua New Guinea (Gastropoda: Conidae)

机译:Conus hughmorrisoni,来自新爱尔兰,巴布亚新几内亚的一种新的锥状蜗牛(天麻:科科)



Based on newly collected material from the Kavieng Lagoon Biodiversity Survey, we describe a new species of cone snail, Conus hughmorrisoni sp. nov., from the vicinity of Kavieng, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. It closely resembles the New Caledonian C. exiguus and the Philippine C. hanshassi , but differs from these species by having more numerous shoulder tubercles, by the shell’s sculpturing and details of the color pattern. We also sequenced a fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene of five specimens collected alive. All possessed very similar sequences (genetic distances 10%).
机译:基于从Kavieng泻湖生物多样性调查中新收集的资料,我们描述了一种新锥锥蜗牛Conus hughmorrisoni sp。十一月,从新爱尔兰的卡维恩(Kavieng)附近,巴布亚新几内亚。它与新喀里多尼亚的C. exiguus和菲律宾的C. hanshassi非常相似,但是与这些物种的区别在于肩结节数量更多,贝壳的雕刻和颜色图案的细节。我们还对五个活着的标本的线粒体COI基因的片段进行了测序。所有人都拥有非常相似的序列(遗传距离为10%)。



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