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Laboratory Detection of First and Repeat Chlamydia Cases Influenced by Testing Patterns: A Population-Based Study




Objectives: The purpose of this study was to describe and explore potential driving factors of trends in reported chlamydia infections over time in Manitoba, Canada. Methods: Surveillance and laboratory testing data from Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living were analysed using SAS v9.4. Kaplan-Meier plots of time from the first to second chlamydia infection were constructed, and Cox proportional hazards regression was used to estimate the risk of second repeat chlamydia infections in males and females. Results: Overall, the number of reported infections found mirrored the number of tests conducted. From 2008 to 2014, the number of first infections found among females decreased as the number of first tests conducted among females also decreased. Between 2008 and 2012, the number of repeat tests among females increased and was accompanied by an increase in the number of repeat positive results from 2009 to 2013. From 2008 to 2016, the number of repeat tests and repeat positive results increased steadily among males. Conclusions: Chlamydia infection rates consistently included a subset composed of repeat infections. The number of cases identified appears to mirror testing volumes, drawing into question incidence calculations that do not include testing volumes. Summary Box: 1) What is the current understanding of this subject? Chlamydia incidence is high in Manitoba, particularly among young women and in northern Manitoba. 2) What does this report add to the literature? This report suggests that incidence calculated using case-based surveillance data alone does not provide an accurate estimate of chlamydia incidence in Manitoba and is heavily influenced by testing patterns. 3) What are the implications for public health practice? In general, improving testing rates in clinical practices as well as through the provision of rapid services in non-clinical venues could result in higher screening and treatment rates. In turn, this could lead to a better understanding of true disease occurrence.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是描述和探讨加拿大曼尼托巴省随时间推移已报道的衣原体感染趋势的潜在驱动因素。方法:使用SAS v9.4分析来自Manitoba Health,老年人和Active Living的监视和实验室测试数据。绘制了从第一次到第二次衣原体感染的时间的Kaplan-Meier图,并使用Cox比例风险回归法评估了男性和女性再次感染衣原体的风险。结果:总的来说,发现的报告感染数量与进行的测试数量相同。从2008年到2014年,女性的首次感染人数有所下降,而女性的首次检测次数也有所减少。在2008年至2012年之间,女性的重复测试次数有所增加,并且从2009年至2013年,重复阳性结果的数量也有所增加。从2008年至2016年,男性的重复测试和重复阳性结果的数量稳步增加。结论:衣原体感染率始终包括重复感染。确定的案例数量似乎反映了测试量,将不包括测试量的问题发生率计算引入了问题。摘要框:1)对这个主题的最新理解是什么?曼尼托巴的衣原体发病率很高,特别是在年轻妇女和曼尼托巴北部。 2)该报告对文献有何贡献?该报告表明,仅使用基于病例的监测数据计算出的发病率并不能提供曼尼托巴省衣原体发病率的准确估计,并且受测试模式的影响很大。 3)对公共卫生实践有何影响?通常,提高临床实践中的测试率以及通过在非临床场所提供快速服务可以提高筛查和治疗率。反过来,这可以使人们更好地了解真正的疾病发生。



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