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Pattern Classification by the Hotelling Statistic and Application to Knee Osteoarthritis Kinematic Signals




The analysis of knee kinematic data, which come in the form of a small sample of discrete curvesthat describe repeated measurements of the temporal variation of each of the knee three fundamentalangles of rotation during a subject walking cycle, can inform knee pathology classification because, ingeneral, different pathologies have different kinematic data patterns. However, high data dimensionalityand the scarcity of reference data, which characterize this type of application, challenge classification andmake it prone to error, a problem Duda and Hart refer to as the curse of dimensionality. The purpose ofthis study is to investigate a sample-based classifier which evaluates data proximity by the two-sampleHotelling T2 statistic. This classifier uses the whole sample of an individual’s measurements for a bettersupport to classification, and the Hotelling T2 hypothesis testing made applicable by dimensionalityreduction. This method was able to discriminate between femero-rotulian (FR) and femero-tibial (FT)knee osteoarthritis kinematic data with an accuracy of 88.1%, outperforming significantly currentstate-of-the-art methods which addressed similar problems. Extended to the much harder three-classproblem involving pathology categories FR and FT, as well as category FR-FT which represents theincidence of both diseases FR and FT in a same individual, the scheme was able to reach a performancethat justifies its further use and investigation in this and other similar applications.
机译:膝盖运动学数据的分析以离散曲线的小样本的形式出现,这些曲线描述了受试者行走周期中膝盖三个旋转三个基本角中每个膝盖的时间变化的重复测量,这可以为膝盖病理分类提供依据,因为通常不同的病理学具有不同的运动学数据模式。但是,此类应用程序具有很高的数据维数和参考数据的稀缺性,这挑战了分类并使其易于出错,Duda和Hart将此问题称为维数的诅咒。本研究的目的是研究基于样本的分类器,该分类器通过两个样本的Hotelling T2统计量来评估数据接近度。该分类器使用个人测量的整个样本来更好地支持分类,而Hotelling T2假设检验可通过降维应用。该方法能够以88.1%的准确度区分女性旋转腿(FR)和女性胫骨(FT)膝关节骨关节炎的运动学数据,远胜于解决了类似问题的最新技术。该方案扩展到涉及病理学类别FR和FT的更难的三类问题,以及代表同一个人中FR和FT两种疾病的发病率的FR-FT类别,该方案能够达到证明其进一步使用和研究合理的性能在这个和其他类似的应用程序中。



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