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Tracheal atresia with a cephalically developed lung bud: A case report




Rationale: Tracheal atresia (TA) involves complete or partial tracheal absence below the larynx. It involves failure of complete separation of the laryngotracheal diverticulum from the foregut at the 4th gestational week. In TA, the trachea and main bronchi generally proceed in the normal caudal directions. Patient concerns: At the gestational age of 34 weeks and 6 days, a male baby weighing 2290 g was born via cesarean section. A brisk bag was used, and mask ventilation was performed, but was not effective. Intubation was attempted; however, the endotracheal tube did not advance below the vocal cord. Diagnosis: Tracheal atresia . Interventions: An emergent open neck exploration could not reveal the trachea. On computed tomography, the tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) started from the lower esophagus just above the gastroesophageal junction. The trachea arose upward to form the main bronchus. Outcomes: His parents signed the “Do not resuscitate” form due to poor outcome. On the 23rd day of birth, the baby expired. Lessons: Our case involved TA with tracheoesophageal fistula forming between the trachea and main bronchi in a cephalic direction as detected on computed tomography. Further, the trachea arose from the gastroesophageal junction; thus, it does not belong to any Floyd classification. Herein, we report a TA case with a cephalically developed lung bud .
机译:理由:气管闭锁(TA)涉及喉下完全或部分气管缺失。它涉及在第4个孕周将喉气管憩室与前肠完全分离的失败。在TA中,气管和主支气管通常沿正常的尾端方向进行。患者关注:在孕34周零6天时,通过剖宫产出生了一个体重为2290 g的男婴。使用了轻便的袋子,并进行了面罩通气,但效果不佳。尝试插管;但是,气管内导管没有前进到声带下方。诊断:气管闭锁。干预措施:紧急的开放式颈部探查无法显示气管。在计算机体层摄影术中,气管食管瘘(TEF)从胃食管连接处上方的下食管开始。气管上升形成主支气管。结局:由于结局不佳,他的父母签署了“请勿复苏”表格。婴儿在出生的第23天过期。经验教训:我们的病例涉及通过计算机断层扫描在气管和主支气管之间朝头方向形成气管食管瘘。此外,气管起源于胃食管连接处。因此,它不属于任何Floyd分类。在此,我们报告了一个TA病例,该病例中出现了头部发育的肺芽。



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