首页> 外文期刊>Medical science monitor : >Skin prick test response to enzyme enolase of the baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in diagnosis of respiratory allergy.

Skin prick test response to enzyme enolase of the baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in diagnosis of respiratory allergy.

机译:在诊断呼吸道过敏时,对面包酵母酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)的酶烯醇酶的皮肤点刺试验反应。



BACKGROUND: The aim of the study is to prove that Saccharomyces cerevisiaeenolase, the major allergen of the baker's yeast, induces allergic immediate response in patients withinhalant allergy sensitized to Candida albicans extract. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was performedin three groups of patients: I. 20 atopic patients with respiratory allergy sensitized to Candida albicansand inhalant allergens (mite, feather, pollens) II. 30 patients with respiratory allergy, positive skintests to inhalant allergens but negative skin tests to Candida albicans and other fungi; III. 20 nonatopic,healthy individuals. Skin prick test of purified enolase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (bakers yeast)at concentration 1 and 10 mg/ml was performed in all groups. The results were documented planimetrically.RESULTS: 95% of patients sensitized to Candida albicans extract showed positive skin reactions to Saccharomycescerevisiae enolase, 10% of patients of group II and none of the patients of the control group had positiveskin responses to enolase. The mean wheal size (mm2) in skin prick test to Candida albicans, Saccharomycescerevisiae enolase at concentration 10 mg/ml was x = 15.17 +/- 11.08, 15.76 +/- 19.67 and at concentration1 mg/ml 10.02 +/- 10.49, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Saccharomyces cerevisiae enolase induces an immediateallergic reaction in skin in subjects with respiratory allergy and positive skin prick test results toCandida albicans and other fungi. 2. Enolase can be an important allergenic component of the Candidaalbicans extract.
机译:背景:这项研究的目的是证明面包酵母酵母的主要过敏原酿酒酵母啤酒糖醇能诱导对白色念珠菌提取物过敏的吸入性过敏患者立即产生过敏反应。材料与方法:该研究在三组患者中进行:I. 20名对白色念珠菌和吸入性过敏原(螨,羽毛,花粉)过敏的特应性呼吸道过敏患者。 30名呼吸道过敏患者,吸入性过敏原皮肤试验阳性,白色念珠菌和其他真菌皮肤试验阴性;三, 20位非过敏性健康个体。在所有组中,对浓度分别为1和10 mg / ml的酿酒酵母(面包酵母)的纯化烯醇酶进行皮肤点刺试验。结果:在平面上记录了结果。结果:95%的白色念珠菌提取物致敏患者对酿酒酵母烯醇酶皮肤反应阳性,II组患者10%,对照组患者对烯醇酶皮肤反应均无阳性。浓度为10 mg / ml的白色念珠菌,酿酒酵母烯醇酶的皮肤点刺试验中的平均鲸鱼大小(mm2)为x = 15.17 +/- 11.08、15.76 +/- 19.67和1 mg / ml浓度为10.02 +/- 10.49 。结论:1.酿酒酵母烯醇酶在具有呼吸道过敏和对白色念珠菌和其他真菌的皮肤刺试验结果呈阳性的受试者中引起皮肤立即过敏反应。 2.烯醇酶可能是念珠菌提取物的重要致敏成分。



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