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Hasbro Hospital Opens Pediatric Specialty Clinics in East Greenwich CNE Pilots Statewide Initiative for On-Call Recovery Coaches in EDs




PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Hasbro Children's Hospital has opened its new East Greenwich Specialty Clinic to provide high-level specialty care more conve- niently to children in the community. "We recognized that there is a signif- icant need in our community for bet- ter access to pediatric subspecialties, such as GI or rehab services, which can require frequent visits," said PATRICIA FLANAGAN, MD , interim pediatrician-in-chief and chief of clin- ical affairs at Hasbro Children's Hospi- tal. "Being able to provide the services of our specialists closer to home will allow more families seamless and con- venient access to the care they need."
机译:路易斯安那州普罗维登斯市–孩之宝儿童医院已开设了新的东格林威治专科诊所,以为社区中的儿童更方便地提供高级专科护理。临时儿科医生兼首席医师帕特里夏·弗拉甘根(PATRICIA FLANAGAN)医师表示:“我们认识到,在社区中迫切需要更好地利用儿科亚专业,例如胃肠道或康复服务,这可能需要经常拜访。”孩之宝儿童医院临床事务主任。 “能够为离家较近的专家提供服务,将使更多的家庭无缝且方便地获得他们所需的护理。”



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