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Determinants of Vaccination Coverage and Consequences for Rabies Control in Bali, Indonesia




Maintaining high vaccination coverage is key to successful rabies control, but mass dog vaccination can be challenging and population turnover erodes coverage. Declines in rabies incidence following successive island-wide vaccination campaigns in Bali suggests that prospects for controlling and ultimately eliminating rabies are good. Rabies, however, has continued to circulate at low levels. In the push to eliminate rabies from Bali, high coverage needs to be maintained across all areas of the island. We carried out door-to-door questionnaire surveys (n=10,352 dog-owning households) and photographic mark-recapture surveys (536 line transects, 2,597 observations of free-roaming dogs) in 2011-2012 to estimate dog population sizes and assess rabies vaccination coverage and dog demographic characteristics in Bali, Indonesia. The median number of dogs per subvillage unit (banjar) was 43 (range 0-307) for owned dogs estimated from the door-to-door survey and 17 (range 0-83) for unconfined dogs (including both owned and unowned) from transects. Vaccination coverage of owned dogs was significantly higher in adults (91.4%) compared to juveniles (<1yr, 43.9%), likely due to insufficient targeting of pups and from puppies born subsequent to vaccination campaigns. Juveniles had a 10 to 70 times greater risk of not being vaccinated in urban, suburban and rural areas (combined Odds Ratios/OR 9.9-71.1, 95% CI 8.6-96.0). Free-roaming owned dogs were also 2-3 times more likely to be not vaccinated compared to those confined (combined ORs 1.9-3.6, 95% CI 1.4-5.4), with more dogs being confined in urban (71.2%) than in suburban (16.1%) and rural areas (8.0%). Vaccination coverage estimates from transects were also much lower (30.9%) than household surveys (83.6%), possibly due to loss of collars used to identify the vaccination status of free-roaming dogs, but these unconfined dogs may also include dogs that were unowned or more difficult to vaccinate. Overall, coverage levels were high in the owned dog population, but for future campaigns in Bali to have the highest chance of eliminating rabies, concerted effort should be made to vaccinate free-roaming dogs particularly in suburban and rural areas, with advertising to ensure owners vaccinate pups. Long-lasting, cheap and quick methods are needed to mark vaccinated animals and reassure communities of.
机译:保持较高的疫苗接种覆盖率是成功控制狂犬病的关键,但是大规模的狗疫苗接种可能具有挑战性,而且人口流动会侵蚀覆盖率。在巴厘岛连续进行全岛疫苗接种运动后,狂犬病发病率下降表明,控制和最终消除狂犬病的前景良好。然而,狂犬病继续在低水平传播。为了消除巴厘岛的狂犬病,需要在岛上所有地区保持高覆盖率。在2011-2012年,我们进行了门到门问卷调查(n = 10,352拥有狗的家庭)和照相标记夺回调查(536条样线,2,597观察到的自由漫游狗),以估计狗的数量并评估狂犬病印度尼西亚巴厘岛的疫苗接种覆盖率和狗的人口统计特征。根据门到门调查估计,拥有的狗的每个子村庄单位(班加尔)的狗的中位数量为43(范围为0-307),而来自县的无限制狗(包括拥有和不拥有的)的中位数量为17(范围为0-83)。样条线。与幼犬(<1岁,43.9%)相比,成年犬的成犬疫苗接种率(91.4%)要高得多,这很可能是由于幼犬的针对性不足以及接种疫苗后出生的幼犬所致。青少年在城市,郊区和农村地区未接种疫苗的风险高10到70倍(综合赔率/ OR 9.9-71.1,95%CI 8.6-96.0)。与有限的狗(合并ORs 1.9-3.6,95%CI 1.4-5.4)相比,自由漫游拥有的狗未接种疫苗的可能性也高2-3倍,其中城市(71.2%)的狗被局限在郊区(16.1%)和农村地区(8.0%)。样方的疫苗接种覆盖率估计值也比家庭调查(83.6%)低得多(30.9%),这可能是由于失去了用于识别自由漫游犬的疫苗接种状况的项圈,但这些无限制的狗也可能包括无名的狗或更难以接种疫苗。总体而言,拥有的狗只的覆盖率很高,但是要想在巴厘岛开展进一步的运动以最大程度地消除狂犬病,应共同努力为自由漫游的狗接种疫苗,尤其是在郊区和农村地区,并通过广告确保主人给幼仔接种疫苗。需要长期,廉价和快速的方法来标记疫苗接种的动物并确保其种群安全。


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