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Rabies Vaccination Targets for Stray Dog Populations




The role of stray dogs in the persistence of domestic dog rabies, and whether removal of such dogs is beneficial, remain contentious issues for control programs seeking to eliminate rabies. While a community might reach the WHO vaccination target of 70% for dogs that can be handled, the stray or neighborhood dogs that are too wary of humans to be held are a more problematic population to vaccinate. So what needs to be done? Here we present a method to estimate vaccination targets for stray dogs when the dog population is made up of stray, free-roaming and confined dogs, where the latter two types are considered to have an identifiable owner. The control effort required for stray dogs is determined by the type reproduction number, T_1, the number of stray dogs infected by one rabid stray dog either directly or via any chain of infection involving owned dogs. Like the basic reproduction number R_0 for single host populations, T_1 determines the vaccination effort required to control the spread of disease when control is targeted at one host type, and there are a mix of host types. The application of T_1 to rabies in mixed populations of stray and owned dogs is novel. We show that the outcome is sensitive to the vaccination coverage in the owned dog population, such that if vaccination rates of owned dogs were too low then no control effort targeting stray dogs is able to control or eliminate rabies. The required vaccination level also depends on the composition of the dog population, where a high proportion of either stray or free-roaming dogs implies unrealistically high vaccination levels are required to prevent rabies. We find that the required control effort is less sensitive to continuous culling that increases the death rate of stray dogs than to changes in the carrying capacity of the stray dog population.
机译:对于试图消除狂犬病的控制计划而言,流浪狗在家庭犬狂犬病持续性中的作用以及去除这种犬是否有益,仍然是有争议的问题。尽管一个社区可以达到可以处理的狗的70%的WHO疫苗接种目标,但是对人类警惕而无法饲养的流浪狗或邻家狗则是一个更大的问题,无法接种疫苗。那么需要做什么呢?在这里,我们提出了一种在流浪狗由流浪狗,自由漫游狗和密闭狗组成的情况下估算流浪狗疫苗接种目标的方法,其中后两种类型的狗具有可识别的所有者。流浪狗所需的控制工作取决于类型繁殖数T_1,即一只狂犬病流浪狗直接感染或通过涉及拥有犬的任何感染链感染的流浪狗的数量。像单个寄主种群的基本繁殖数R_0一样,当控制针对一种寄主类型时,T_1确定控制疾病传播所需的疫苗接种工作,并且存在多种寄主类型。 T_1在流浪狗和自家狗混合人群中的狂犬病中的应用是新颖的。我们表明结果对拥有的狗群中的疫苗接种覆盖率很敏感,因此,如果拥有的狗的疫苗接种率太低,则没有针对流浪狗的控制措施能够控制或消除狂犬病。所需的疫苗接种水平还取决于狗群的组成,其中高比例的流浪狗或自由漫游的狗意味着为预防狂犬病需要不切实际的高疫苗接种水平。我们发现,所需的控制努力对连续剔除对增加流浪狗的死亡率的敏感性不如对流浪狗种群的承载能力变化敏感。



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