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A Commentary on: “Preserving cortico-striatal function: Deep Brain Stimulation in Huntington's disease”




I read Nagel et al. with interest (Nagel et al., 2015 ). In theory, the potential to modify cognitive function in Huntington's disease (HD) with electrical stimulation or specifically Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is exciting. HD is a devastating and terminal disease in need of better treatments, both symptomatic and neuroprotective. Cognitive dysfunction itself is becoming more recognized as a severely disabling aspect of the disease as well (Paulsen and Long, 2014 ). Nagel et al. outline an intriguing argument for pursuing the globus pallidus externa as a DBS target for cognitive improvement while also acknowledging that the current evidence is based on a small number of animal models and very limited human ( n = 2) experience. In actuality, the practical nature of pursing DBS for the treatment of cognition in HD is more complicated. The ethics of pursuing DBS for new indications is a hotly debated topic (Unterrainer and Oduncu, 2015 ). We still do not yet fully understand the mechanism of DBS in treating disorders where its efficacy is established. Trialing it for other neurologic conditions without sound rational can be unnecessarily dangerous and not in the best interest of those we are trying to treat. While DBS was relatively free of complications in limited trials for HD chorea, it is not a benign procedure. It is a brain surgery with known irreversible surgical complications including infection, stroke, intracranial bleeding and even death (Bronstein et al., 2011 ). Some authors cite complication rates in Parkinson's disease as high as 10% for hemorrhage, 2% for stroke, 15% for infection and death rates up to 4.5% (Bronstein et al., 2011 ). Hardware complications requiring repeat surgery also occur. Finally, cognition and behavior have also been known to be negatively impacted after DBS surgery, albeit more often cited in the subthalamic target for Parkinson's disease. Still, there are accounts of cognitive decline and even mania after pallidal DBS as well (Miyawaki et al., 2000 ; Rothlind et al., 2014 ). Considering these known potential neuropsychiatric complications, trials of DBS for HD would need to proceed very cautiously given the high incidence of pre-existing cognitive dysfunction and increased risk for suicide. Lastly, I would caution against making any statements alluding to slowing disease progression or neuroprotection given the current data, especially to perspective future participants in any DBS trials. This is too premature. This is indeed a desperate population and the ability to identify subjects early in the prodromal stage of the disease increases the potential for inappropriate and improper recruitment to any future trials. Any research using DBS in this population needs to be done slowly with the highest ethical standards and rigorous consenting protocols. Personally, while I commonly recommend DBS for my patients for treatment of currently approved indications and participate in a high volume of surgeries, I am still holding out hope for a medicinal, neuroprotective therapy that would have reversible adverse effects and not carry the risk of a brain surgery. Conflict of interest statement The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
机译:我读了Nagel等人的文章。 (Nagel et al。,2015)。从理论上讲,通过电刺激或特别是深部脑刺激(DBS)改变亨廷顿舞蹈病(HD)认知功能的潜力令人兴奋。 HD是一种破坏性和绝症,需要对症和神经保护措施更好的治疗。认知功能障碍本身也越来越被认为是该疾病的严重致残方面(Paulsen和Long,2014年)。 Nagel等。概述了将苍白球作为认知改善的DBS目标的有趣观点,同时也承认当前的证据是基于少数动物模型和非常有限的人类经验(n = 2)。实际上,购买DBS来治疗HD认知的实践性质更为复杂。追求DBS新适应症的伦理学是一个热门话题(Unterrainer和Oduncu,2015)。我们尚不完全了解DBS在确定其功效的疾病中的治疗机制。在没有合理理性的情况下将其用于其他神经系统疾病可能会造成不必要的危险,并且不符合我们正在尝试治疗的患者的最大利益。尽管在进行HD舞蹈病的有限试验中,DBS相对没有并发症,但它不是良性手术。这是一种脑外科手术,具有不可逆的已知手术并发症,包括感染,中风,颅内出血甚至死亡(Bronstein等,2011)。一些作者援引帕金森氏病的出血并发症率高达10%,中风为2%,感染为15%,死亡率高达4.5%(Bronstein等,2011)。还会发生需要重复手术的硬件并发症。最后,认知和行为也被认为对DBS手术会产生负面影响,尽管在丘脑下丘脑靶点中帕金森氏病更常被提及。尽管如此,仍有关于苍白性DBS后认知能力下降甚至躁狂症的报道(Miyawaki等,2000; Rothlind等,2014)。考虑到这些已知的潜在神经精神并发症,考虑到先前存在的认知功能障碍的高发生率和自杀风险的增加,HDS DBS的试验将需要非常谨慎地进行。最后,鉴于目前的数据,我谨告诫您不要发表任何暗示减慢疾病进展或神经保护作用的陈述,尤其是要展望未来任何DBS试验的参与者。这还为时过早。这确实是一个绝望的人群,在疾病的前驱阶段早期识别受试者的能力增加了将来进行任何不适当和不适当招募的可能性。在此人群中使用DBS进行的任何研究都必须以最高的道德标准和严格的同意协议缓慢进行。就我个人而言,虽然我通常建议我的患者接受DBS来治疗目前批准的适应症并参加大量的手术,但我仍然希望药物,神经保护疗法能够产生可逆的不良反应,并且不会引起糖尿病的风险。脑部手术。利益冲突声明作者声明,这项研究是在没有任何可能被解释为潜在利益冲突的商业或金融关系的情况下进行的。



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