首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Neurology >Vestibule-Middle Ear Dehiscence Tested With Perilymph-Specific Protein Cochlin-Tomoprotein (CTP) Detection Test

Vestibule-Middle Ear Dehiscence Tested With Perilymph-Specific Protein Cochlin-Tomoprotein (CTP) Detection Test




An 8-year-old boy was referred to the ENT department for further evaluation of right-sided conductive hearing loss. A small cyst anterior to the oval window and fixation of the stapes footplate were observed during an exploratory tympanotomy. The concentration of a perilymph-specific protein, cochlin-tomoprotein (CTP), in the middle ear lavage fluid was measured with an ELISA-based CTP detection kit. The level of CTP in the middle ear lavage fluid before fenestration of the cyst was 0.26 ng/ml (negative), and its level after fenestration was 2.98 ng/ml (positive), confirming the presence of perilymph in the cyst. A small bone dehiscence, considered to be the fissula ante fenestram, was observed anterior to the stapes footplate after removal of the cyst. The CTP detection test results allowed us to confirm that the small bone dehiscence was connected to the inner ear.
机译:一名8岁男孩被转诊至耳鼻喉科,以进一步评估右侧传导性听力损失。在探索性鼓室切开术中观察到卵圆窗前的一个小囊肿和and骨足板的固定。用基于ELISA的CTP检测试剂盒测量中耳灌洗液中的淋巴特异性蛋白Cochlin-tomoprotein(CTP)的浓度。开窗前囊肿中耳灌洗液中的CTP水平为0.26 ng / ml(阴性),开窗后中耳灌洗液中的CTP水平为2.98 ng / ml(阳性),证实囊肿中存在淋巴。去除囊肿后,在the骨足板前观察到小骨裂开,被认为是腓肠前腓骨。 CTP检测测试结果使我们能够确定小骨干裂与内耳有关。



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