首页> 外文期刊>Malaria Journal >Topography and malaria transmission heterogeneity in western Kenya highlands: prospects for focal vector control

Topography and malaria transmission heterogeneity in western Kenya highlands: prospects for focal vector control




Background Recent resurgence of malaria in the highlands of Western Kenya has called for a more comprehensive understanding of the previously neglected complex highland vector ecology. Besides other drivers of malaria epidemiology, topography is likely to have a major effect on spatial vector and parasite distribution. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of topography on malaria spatial vector distribution and parasite prevalence. Methodology Indoor resting adult malaria vectors and blood parasites were collected in three villages along a 4 km transect originating from the valley bottom and ending at the hilltop for 13 months. Members of the Anopheles gambiae complex were identified by PCR. Blood parasites were collected from children 6–13 years old and densities categorized by site of home location and age of the children. Results Ninety eight percent (98%) of An. gambiae s.s. and (99%) Anopheles funestus were collected in houses located at the edge of the valley bottom, whereas 1% of An. gambiae s.s. were collected at mid hill and at the hilltop respectively. No An. funestus were collected at the hilltop. Malaria prevalence was 68% at the valley bottom, 40.2% at mid hill and 26.7% at the hilltop. Children aged six years and living at the edge of the valley bottom had an annual geometric mean number of 66.1 trophozoites for every 200 white blood cells, while those living at mid-hill had a mean of 84.8, and those living at hilltop had 199.5 trophozoites. Conclusion Malaria transmission in this area is mainly confined to the valley bottom. Effective vector control could be targeted at the foci. However, the few vectors observed at mid-hill maintained a relatively high prevalence rate. The higher variability in blood parasite densities and their low correlation with age in children living at the hilltop suggests a lower stability of transmission than at the mid-hill and valley bottom.
机译:背景技术近期在肯尼亚西部高地重新流行的疟疾呼吁人们对以前被忽视的复杂高地媒介生态学有更全面的了解。除其他疟疾流行病学驱动因素外,地形可能对空间媒介和寄生虫分布也有重大影响。这项研究的目的是确定地形对疟疾空间矢量分布和寄生虫流行的影响。方法学在三个村庄中,沿着谷底开始并在山顶终止长达4个月的4 km断面,收集了室内静息的成人疟疾媒介和血液寄生虫。通过PCR鉴定冈比亚按蚊复合体的成员。血液寄生虫是从6-13岁的儿童那里收集的,其密度按居住地点和儿童年龄分类。结果An的百分之九十八(98%)。冈比亚公司和(99%)的按蚊是在谷底边缘的房屋中收集的,而An的1%是收集的。冈比亚公司分别在中山和山顶收集。不行真菌被收集在山顶上。谷底疟疾患病率为68%,中山疟疾患病率为40.2%,山顶疟疾患病率为26.7%。居住在谷底边缘的六岁儿童的几何年平均数为每200个白细胞66.1个滋养体,而住在中山的儿童的几何平均数为84.8,而住在山顶的儿童的滋养体的平均几何数为199.5。 。结论该地区的疟疾传播主要限于谷底。有效的媒介控制可以针对病灶。但是,在中山观察到的少数病媒仍保持较高的患病率。与山坡中部和山谷底部相比,住在山顶的儿童血液中寄生虫密度的较高变异性及其与年龄的低相关性表明,传播的稳定性较低。



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