首页> 外文期刊>Marine biodiversity records. >First record of the megamouth shark, Megachasma pelagios, (family Megachasmidae) in the tropical western North Atlantic Ocean

First record of the megamouth shark, Megachasma pelagios, (family Megachasmidae) in the tropical western North Atlantic Ocean

机译:北大西洋热带西部大嘴鲨(Megachasma pelagios)(大嘴cha科)的第一记录



Background A new record of Megachasma pelagios is here reported for the tropical western North Atlantic Ocean from Puerto Rico. Results On December 10, 2016, a tourist reported an unusual stranded shark on Mojacasabe Beach, Cabo Rojo, on the southwestern coast of Puerto Rico. Visual examination of the carcass and mitochondrial DNA analysis from a dorsal fin sample revealed it to be a 457?cm female megamouth shark. Conclusion This record represents the first record of M. pelagios for the tropical western North Atlantic Ocean within the Caribbean Sea of southwest Puerto Rico and only the second record of M. pelagios from the North Atlantic.
机译:背景技术据报道,波多黎各热带北大西洋西部有超大美洲鳕的新记录。结果2016年12月10日,一名游客在波多黎各西南海岸的Cabo Rojo的Mojacasabe海滩上报告了一条异常搁浅的鲨鱼。肉眼观察背鳍样品的car体和线粒体DNA,发现它是一条457?cm雌性巨嘴鲨。结论该记录代表波多黎各西南加勒比海内热带西北大西洋的首个蓝藻支原体记录,仅是北大西洋第二位的蓝藻支原体记录。



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