首页> 外文期刊>Frattura e Integrita Strutturale >Web Rotational Stiffness of Continuous Steel-Concrete Composite Castellated Beams

Web Rotational Stiffness of Continuous Steel-Concrete Composite Castellated Beams




Continuous composite beams may suffer a global instability know as lateral distortional buckling (LDB). The design code EN 1994-1-1:2004 provides a procedure for the verification of this ultimate limit state, in which the resistant bending moment to LDB is calculated considering the behavior of the inverted “U-frame” mechanism. An essential parameter for the determination of this moment is the rotational stiffness of the composite beam, which depends on the web stiffness. The EN 1994-1-1:2004 procedure is restricted to composite beams with solid-web steel sections without openings. This paper presents several numerical analyses of the web rotational stiffness of castellated sections such as Anglo-saxon, Litzka and Peiner typology. Finally, based on numerical results obtained, a calculation procedure for determination of this stiffness was proposed.
机译:连续的组合梁可能会遭受称为横向扭曲屈曲(LDB)的整体不稳定性。设计规范EN 1994-1-1:2004提供了验证此极限状态的程序,其中考虑倒置“ U形”机构的行为来计算对LDB的抵抗弯矩。确定该力矩的必要参数是复合梁的旋转刚度,该刚度取决于腹板刚度。 EN 1994-1-1:2004程序仅限于无开口的实心腹板型钢组合梁。本文介绍了对诸如安格鲁撒克逊,利兹卡和佩纳类型学之类的齿形截面腹板旋转刚度的一些数值分析。最后,根据获得的数值结果,提出了确定该刚度的计算程序。



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