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The Impact of the Wheat Rht-B1b Semi-Dwarfing Allele on Photosynthesis and Seed Development Under Field Conditions

机译:小麦 Rht-B1b 半矮等位基因对田间条件下光合作用和种子发育的影响



The Reduced Height ( Rht ) genes formed the basis for the green revolution in wheat by decreasing plant height and increasing productive tillers. There are two current widely used Rht mutant alleles, Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b . Both reduce plant height by 20% and increase seed yield by 5–10%. They are also associated with decreased seed size and protein content. Here, we tested the degree to which Rht-B1b impacts flag leaf photosynthetic rates and carbon and nitrogen partitioning to the flag leaf and grain during grain fill under field conditions using near isogenic lines (NILs) that were either standard height ( Rht-B1a ) or semi-dwarf ( Rht-B1b ). The results demonstrate that at anthesis, Rht-B1b reduces flag leaf photosynthetic rate per unit area by 18% and chlorophyll A content by 23%. Rht-B1b significantly reduced grain protein beginning at 14 days post anthesis (DPA) with the greatest difference seen at 21 DPA (12%). Rht-B1b also significantly decreased individual seed weight beginning at 21 DPA and by 15.2% at 28 DPA. Global expression analysis using RNA extracted from developing leaves and stems demonstrated that genes associated with carbon and nitrogen metabolism are not substantially altered by Rht-B1b . From this study, we conclude that Rht-B1b reduces flag leaf photosynthetic rate at flowering while changes in grain composition begin shortly after anthesis.
机译:降低高度(Rht)基因通过降低植物高度和增加生产性分till为小麦绿色革命奠定了基础。当前有两种广泛使用的Rht突变等位基因,Rht-B1b和Rht-D1b。两者均可使株高降低20%,种子产量提高5-10%。它们还与减少的种子大小和蛋白质含量有关。在这里,我们使用标准高度(Rht-B1a)附近的等基因谱线(NILs)在田间条件下测试了谷物在灌浆过程中Rht-B1b对剑叶光合速率以及碳和氮向旗叶和谷物的分配的影响程度或半矮人(Rht-B1b)。结果表明,在花期,Rht-B1b使旗叶的单位面积光合速率降低18%,叶绿素A含量降低23%。 Rht-B1b在花后14天(DPA)开始显着降低谷物蛋白,在21 DPA时可见最大差异(12%)。从21 DPA开始,Rht-B1b还显着降低了单个种子的重量,而在28 DPA开始,Rht-B1b降低了15.2%。使用从发育中的叶和茎中提取的RNA进行的全球表达分析表明,与碳和氮代谢相关的基因并未受到Rht-B1b的实质性改变。根据这项研究,我们得出结论,Rht-B1b降低了开花时旗叶的光合速率,而花后不久就开始了籽粒组成的变化。



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