首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Marine Science >Sediment Stocks of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in Danish Eelgrass Meadows

Sediment Stocks of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus in Danish Eelgrass Meadows




Seagrass ecosystems provide an array of ecosystem services ranging from habitat provision to erosion control. From a climate change and eutrophication mitigation perspective, the ecosystem services include burial and storage of carbon and nutrients in the sediments. Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is the most abundant seagrass species along the Danish coasts, and while its function as a carbon and nutrient sink has been documented in some areas, the spatial variability of these functions, and the drivers behind them, are not well understood. Here we present the first nationwide study on eelgrass sediment stock of carbon (Cstock), nitrogen (Nstock), and phosphorus (Pstock). Stocks were measured in the top 10 cm of eelgrass meadows spanning semi-enclosed estuaries (inner and outer fjords) to open coasts. Further, we assessed environmental factors (level of exposure, sediment properties, level of eutrophication) from each area to evaluate their relative importance as drivers of the spatial pattern in the respective stocks. We found large spatial variability in sediment stocks, representing 155-4413 g C m-2, 24-448 g TN m-2, and 7-34 g TP m-2. Cstock and Nstock were significantly higher in inner fjords compared to outer fjords and open coasts. Cstock, Nstock, and Pstock showed a significantly positive relationship with the silt-clay content in the sediments. Moreover, Cstock was also significantly higher in more eutrophied areas with high concentrations of nutrients and chlorophyll a (chl a) in the water column. Conversely, silt-clay content was not related to nutrients or chl a, suggesting a spatial dependence of the importance of these factors in driving stock sizes and implying that local differences in sediment properties and eutrophication level should be included when evaluating the storage capacity of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in Danish eelgrass meadows. These insights provide guidance to managers in selecting priority areas for carbon and nutrient storage for climate- and eutrophication mitigation initiatives.
机译:海草生态系统提供了一系列生态系统服务,范围从生境提供到侵蚀控制。从气候变化和富营养化缓解的角度来看,生态系统服务包括埋葬以及沉积物中碳和养分的储存。 Eelgrass(Zostera marina)是丹麦沿海地区最丰富的海草种类,尽管在某些地区已经证明了其作为碳和养分汇的功能,但这些功能的空间变异性以及其背后的驱动力尚未得到很好的了解。 。在这里,我们提出了关于鳗鱼草沉积物中碳(Cstock),氮(Nstock)和磷(Pstock)的第一个全国性研究。在横跨半封闭河口(内峡湾和外峡湾)到开阔海岸的鳗草草甸的前10厘米处测量种群。此外,我们评估了每个地区的环境因素(暴露水平,沉积物性质,富营养化水平),以评估它们作为相应种群空间格局驱动因素的相对重要性。我们发现沉积物储量存在较大的空间变异性,分别为155-4413 g C m-2、24-448 g TN m-2和7-34 g TP m-2。内峡湾的Cstock和Nstock明显高于外峡湾和开阔海岸。 Cstock,Nstock和Pstock与沉积物中淤泥粘土含量呈显着正相关。此外,在水体中富营养化和叶绿素a(chla)浓度较高的富营养化地区,Cstock也明显较高。相反,淤泥粘土的含量与养分或盐分无关,表明这些因素在决定种群大小方面的重要性具有空间依赖性,并暗示在评估碳的储存能力时应包括沉积物性质和富营养化水平的局部差异。 ,丹麦鳗草草甸中的氮,磷这些见解可为管理人员选择优先的碳和养分存储区域提供指导,以应对气候变化和富营养化的倡议。



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