首页> 外文期刊>Gastroenterology Research >Povidone-Iodine Irrigation of Subcutaneous Tissues May Decrease Surgical Site Infections in Elective Colorectal Operations: A Systematic Review

Povidone-Iodine Irrigation of Subcutaneous Tissues May Decrease Surgical Site Infections in Elective Colorectal Operations: A Systematic Review




Background: Postoperative wound infection is the most common complication following abdominal surgery and leads to delayed wound healing, prolonged hospital length of stay (LOS), and causes morbidity. Povidone-Iodine (PVI) is a broad-spectrum anti-septic and disinfectant solution, and can be used intra-operatively to irrigate subcutaneous tissues prior to abdominal skin closure. We systematically reviewed the literature regarding the efficacy of intra-operative PVI irrigation of subcutaneous tissues following elective colorectal surgery.Methods: A comprehensive search of electronic databases and various grey literature sources was completed. Unpublished and non-English-language results were included. All clinical controlled trials involving PVI solution in adult colorectal surgery were included. Two independent reviewers assessed the studies for relevance, inclusion, methodological quality and extracted data from the full versions of the manuscripts. Disagreements were resolved by re-extraction or third party adjudication. Data for dichotomous outcomes are reported as relative risks (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). For continuous data, mean differences (MD) are reported with 95% CIs.Results: Five randomized controlled trials (RCTs) involving 205 patients comparing PVI solution or spray to a control group following abdominal fascial closure in elective colorectal or clean-contaminated operations were identified. Pooled results demonstrated a reduction in surgical site infection for patients treated with PVI (RR = 1.97; 95% CI: 1.22 to 3.17) compared to controls.Conclusions: Irrigation of subcutaneous tissues with PVI following abdominal fascial closure is associated with a reduced incidence of surgical site infection. Due to the small number of included trials and patients, additional robust randomized trials are needed.
机译:背景:术后伤口感染是腹部手术后最常见的并发症,导致伤口愈合延迟,住院时间延长(LOS),并导致发病。聚维酮碘(PVI)是一种广谱的杀菌消毒溶液,可在术中用于腹腔闭合前冲洗皮下组织。我们系统地回顾了有关选择性大肠癌手术后皮下组织术中PVI冲洗效果的文献。方法:完成对电子数据库和各种灰色文献来源的全面搜索。包括未出版和非英语的结果。包括所有在成人结直肠手术中涉及PVI溶液的临床对照试验。两名独立的审稿人对研究的相关性,纳入性,方法学质量进行了评估,并从完整版本的手稿中提取了数据。通过重新提取或第三方裁决解决了分歧。二分结果的数据报告为相对风险(RR),置信区间(CI)为95%。对于连续数据,报道了95%CI的均值差异(MD)。结果:进行了205例随机对照试验(RCT),涉及205例患者,他们在选择性结直肠或清洁污染的腹部筋膜封闭术后比较了PVI溶液或喷雾剂与对照组的比较。确定。汇总结果表明,与对照组相比,接受PVI治疗的患者的手术部位感染减少(RR = 1.97; 95%CI:1.22至3.17)。结论:腹部筋膜闭合后用PVI冲洗皮下组织与降低PVI的发生率相关手术部位感染。由于纳入的试验和患者数量少,因此需要其他可靠的随机试验。



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