首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries science >Distribution and ecology of bigeye thresher Alopias superciliosus in the Pacific Ocean

Distribution and ecology of bigeye thresher Alopias superciliosus in the Pacific Ocean




We analyzed records of shark capture by tuna longline vessels during the period 1992–2006 to document the distribution and ecology of bigeye thresher in the Pacific Ocean. Catch per unit effort (CPUE) was highest in the area of 10–15°N in the north and 5–10°S in the south. Juveniles <150?cm were also distributed in this area. Seasonal changes in the distribution of abundance are thought to represent seasonal migrations in latitude. We observed an increase in the ratio of large individuals at high latitude, likely a result of their increased thermal capacity allowing them to migrate further. Males were captured more often than females, suggesting that there is segregation by sex. Pregnant females were observed from 0°N to 36°N in the north Pacific. Neonates were observed between 10–15°N/150–180°W, overlapping with the area in which large numbers of juveniles were captured. Thus, we hypothesize that this area represents the parturition and nursery grounds for bigeye thresher in this region.
机译:我们分析了1992–2006年金枪鱼延绳钓船捕获鲨鱼的记录,以记录大眼脱粒机在太平洋的分布和生态。单位捕捞量(CPUE)在北部10–15°N和南部5–10°S最高。 <150?cm的少年也分布在该区域。丰度分布的季节性变化被认为代表了纬度的季节性迁移。我们观察到高纬度地区大个体的比例有所增加,这可能是由于他们的热容量增加而使他们进一步迁移的结果。男性比女性被捕的频率更高,这表明存在性别隔离。在北太平洋,从0°N到36°N观察到怀孕的雌性。新生儿在10-15°N / 150-180°W之间观察到,与捕获大量未成年人的区域重叠。因此,我们假设该区域代表了该区域大眼脱粒机的分娩和育苗场。



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