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The International Growth Standard for Children and Adolescents Project: Environmental influences on preadolescent and adolescent growth in weight and height




This review has two aims. The first is to identify important environmental influences on the growth of children aged 1 to 9 years and of adolescents, defined as those aged 10 to 19 years. The second is to identify possible environmentally based criteria for the selection of individuals and populations for data collection in the development of an international growth reference for these age ranges. There are many common environmental influences on the growth of children between the ages of 1 and 19 years; the examination and description of these forms the main body of this review. Subsequently, environmental factors influencing adolescent growth only are considered. In both cases, possible selection criteria are put forward. The most important inclusion criteria for both preadolescence and adolescence are good nutrition, lack of infection, and socioeconomic status that does not constrain growth. Additionally, low birthweight, catchup growth, breastfeeding, and early adiposity rebound have impacts on growth and/or body composition into puberty. Exclusion of children born at low birth and/or experiencing catch-up growth could be most realistically operationalized if populations in which secular trends in growth were either completed or minimal were selected. Although an effect of hypoxia on child and adolescent growth, independent of nutrition, is small at most, many high-altitude populations have high prevalances of low birthweight and should be excluded on this basis. Since all populations are exposed to pollutants, contaminants, and toxicants in varying degrees, they cannot be realistically excluded from the sample frame. However, it may be desirable to exclude populations that are habitually exposed to extremely high levels of environmental pollution, including air pollution, and those living in close proximity to toxic waste. It is impossible to exclude populations and individuals on the basis of their exposure to aflatoxin contamination of food. However, exclusion on the basis of low socioeconomic status or poverty may well act as a proxy for this. There are a small number of populations that show extreme patterns of growth in body size and proportion in preadolescence and adolescence, and these should be excluded from the sample frame.
机译:这篇综述有两个目的。首先是确定对1至9岁儿童和10至19岁青少年成长的重要环境影响。第二个步骤是在制定针对这些年龄范围的国际增长参考标准时,确定可能的基于环境的标准,以选择用于收集数据的个人和人群。 1至19岁的儿童成长受到许多常见的环境影响;对这些内容的检查和描述构成了本次审查的主体。随后,仅考虑影响青少年成长的环境因素。在这两种情况下,都提出了可能的选择标准。青春期和青春期最重要的入选标准是良好的营养,缺乏感染以及不限制生长的社会经济状况。另外,低出生体重,追赶性生长,母乳喂养和早期肥胖反弹对青春期的生长和/或身体组成有影响。如果选择完成长期增长趋势或极少增长趋势的人群,则可以最实际地排除低出生年龄和/或正经历追赶性增长的儿童。尽管缺氧对儿童和青少年生长的影响(不依赖营养)影响很小,但许多高海拔人群的出生体重偏低率很高,因此应排除在外。由于所有种群都不同程度地暴露于污染物,污染物和有毒物质,因此无法将它们实际地排除在样本框架之外。但是,可能希望排除习惯性地暴露于极高水平的环境污染(包括空气污染)的人口以及生活在有毒废物附近的人口。根据暴露于黄曲霉毒素食物中的人群是不可能的。但是,基于低社会经济地位或贫穷的排斥可能很好地代表了这一点。少数人群在青春期前和青春期显示出极端的体型增长和比例增长,因此应从样本框架中排除这些人群。



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