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Spontaneous Rupture of the Bicornuate Uterus During 12th Week of Pregnancy




To report a case of spontaneous rupture of right horn of the bicornuate uterus, at 12th week of gestation.?The presented case was diagnosed and treated at Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine?Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. A multiparous patient at 12 weeks of pregnancy, aged 34 presented?with acute abdomen and hypovolaemic shock. Upon laparatomy rupture of the right horn of a uterus bicornis was diagnosed. The fetus and placenta were found in the abdominal cavity. Spontaneous?rupture of the pregnant uterus generally occurs in congenitally malformed uteri like unicornuate or bicornuate?uterus with or without rudimentary communicating-noncommunicating horn. It can be life?threatening and should be diagnosed and treated immediately.
机译:要报告一例在妊娠第12周时双角子宫右角自发性破裂的病例。本病例经Celal Bayar大学医学院妇产科诊断和治疗。妊娠12周时,34岁的多胎患者出现了急性腹部和血容量不足的休克。开腹手术时,诊断出双角子宫右角破裂。在腹腔中发现胎儿和胎盘。妊娠子宫的自发破裂通常发生在先天畸形的子宫中,如单角或双角子宫,伴或不伴有基本的沟通-不沟通角。它可能危及生命,应立即进行诊断和治疗。



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