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Delayed delivery of the two remaining fetuses of triplet pregnancy: Case Report




The incidence of multiple gestations increased after introduction of assisted reproduction techniques. Traditionally; in twin and/or triplet pregnancies; if one baby delivered preterm, this situation managed by delivery of the second and/or the third fetuses. This case report represents the suggested conservative management during the delayed delivery of the two remaining fetuses of triplet pregnancy, its outcome, and benefits. The studied woman is 35-years old, G3 P2, triplet pregnancy after intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection trial, presented with preterm premature rupture of membranes of the first fetus at 20+2 weeks` gestation, who delivered as fresh still birth. The couple informed, and agreed for the conservative management of the two remaining fetuses. After delivery of the first fetus; the umbilical cord ligated as high as possible in the cervix. She received systemic antibiotics for one week, with follow up of; infections, and consumptive coagulopathy parameters, and wellbeing of the fetuses through the conservative treatment. She received betamethasone to accelerate the lung maturity, and Mg-Sulphate for fetal neuro-protection at 24 weeks. The conservative management discontinued, and she delivered by cesarean section at 25 weeks+1 after attack of ante-partum hemorrhage. The delivered neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care unit on ventilator support, surfactant therapy, and antibiotics. 80 days after neonatal intensive care unit admission; the neonates discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit with corrected age of 36 weeks+, on complete oral feeding, and room air. The first fetus delivered at 20 weeks+2, fresh still birth (410 g), while the second, and third fetuses delivered at 25 weeks+1 (34 days of the conservative management), 780, and 840 g; respectively. Both fetuses survived, discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit after 80 days, at 2.2, and 2.3 kg weight; respectively. The birth weight, and the survival rate of both fetuses increased after the conservative management. The suggested conservative management of the delayed delivery may be associated with reduced neonatal mortalities without any maternal complications.
机译:引入辅助生殖技术后,多胎妊娠的发生率增加。传统上双胞胎和/或三胞胎怀孕;如果一个婴儿早产,则通过分娩第二胎和/或第三胎来解决这种情况。该病例报告代表在三胞胎妊娠的其余两个胎儿延迟分娩期间建议的保守治疗,其结果和获益。被研究的妇女是35岁,G3 P2,胞浆内精子注射试验后三胞胎妊娠,在妊娠20 + 2周时出现第一胎的胎膜早破,并以新鲜的死胎分娩。这对夫妇告知并同意对剩余的两个胎儿进行保守管理。分娩第一胎后;脐带在子宫颈尽可能结扎。她接受了为期一周的全身性抗生素治疗,随后进行了随访。感染,消耗性凝血病参数以及通过保守治疗对胎儿的健康状况。她在24周时接受倍他米松加速肺成熟,硫酸镁对胎儿神经保护。保守治疗中断,她在产前出血发作后第25周+1分娩剖宫产。分娩的新生儿因呼吸机支持,表面活性剂治疗和抗生素而进入新生儿重症监护病房。新生儿重症监护室入院后80天;在完全口服喂养和室内空气的情况下,新生儿重症监护病房出院的新生儿年龄校正为36周以上。第一批胎儿在20周+2时分娩,新鲜死胎(410 g),而第二和第三胎在25周+1(保守治疗的34天)分娩,分别为780 g和840 g;分别。 80天后,这两个胎儿均存活下来,体重分别为2.2和2.3公斤,从新生儿重症监护病房出院。分别。保守治疗后,两个胎儿的出生体重和存活率均增加。对于延迟分娩的建议保守治疗可能与降低新生儿死亡率而无任何母亲并发症有关。



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